snapshots // currently…

Just a few things about life lately:

T H I N K I N G  A B O U T : my seventh snow day today. SEVENTH! The part of me that grew up in Syracuse, NY thinks Boston is being a big ginormous wimp. The part of me that loves summer vacation is getting stressed and disappointed. The part of me that enjoys sleeping in thinks these days off are not so bad. Mostly, I’m just going with it. Telling myself that time off in the summer is a luxury that not everyone gets. And that school in June is hardly school at all at that point. More like one fun, sunshine-y party with a bunch of seven year olds that love you to the moon. I can handle that for sure. I always get weary of letting the littles go at the end anyways. They make their way into my heart and I always feel like I want to keep them.

R E A D I N G : The Count of Monte Cristo. It’s only my 3rd book this year, so I’m slacking for sure. My goal is 25, which means I’ve got to get moving on the reading front, but this book is crazy long and was a little hard to get into. It’s picking up, so I’m confident I’ll finish it– and I’m motivated to keep going with all the great recommendations I got from friends + bloggers. Have you ever read it? What did you think?

L I S T E N I N G  T O : A lot of The Shins radio on Pandora. Also, Ingrid Michaelson radio never lets me down. Are you a Pandora listener? It’s my favorite because it introduces me to so much new music that I would never have found on my own. I’m hoping to make a spring playlist soon to share on the blog. Something upbeat + happy to put a little skip in your step.

W A T C H I N G : Girls. I just love it with all my heart.

W O R K I N G  O N : Knitting. I was able to get some good practice at casting on and learned how to knit and purl with the help of my cousin last weekend. Haley is a serious knitter and she came to Boston {with her little baby Hope!} for the North Shore Yarn Crawl last Saturday. I tagged along and picked out some yarn for when I get really good and am ready for my first project. But for now, I’m just practicing little squares. It’s getting easier so that counts for something!

D O I N G : The couch-to-5k running program. I started it last week when the weather was nice {using this app} and am really confident that I can for real make this happen this time around. I am not a runner, but I want to be. And I hope to become a healthier version of myself in the process. So, here’s to trying. And to feeling pretty motivated about being successful, too.

L O O K I N G  F O R W A R D  T O : Easter at home. I just can’t wait to be with my family in the little town I grew up in. I’m also excited for the chocolate and the cupcakes. Always a good time. Always delicious.

M A K I N G  M E  H A P P Y : The fact that the end of ski season is in sight! Zan has been gone most weekends being the ski bunny that he is. We’ve been pretty good at making more time for each other during the week {going out to dinner or spending time in the kitchen together}, but I’m excited to spend spring and summer weekends with him again very very soon.


P.S. I have a really sweet giveaway in the works for tomorrow. It involves instagram {YOU LOVE IT} and will be my first official giveaway ever, so be sure to come back and check it out! I think you’ll be excited about it too!


OH! and I got the idea for this post from my sweet friend Mary.


  1. I love that first photo and the message on it, too. What a great personal challenge for me to discover all that my hometown has to offer!

    And oh my goodness. 7 days?!? That’s crazy! And I totally agree with you on letting the little kids go at the end of the year. I’m dreading that when I get a classroom of my own!

    And I’m thinking about starting a 0 to 5k challenge, too! I’m definitely not a runner but have always wanted to do a 5k. Good luck to you! :)

    • It’s really hard! You spend all year building this relationship… watching them grow and teaching them all these things. And then one day, they just leave you. It’s very sad. I cry every year. :'(

  2. How is the Count of Monte Christo? I know it’s some people’s favorite book, but it does intimidate me…. I can’t wait for Easter and then I go to Colorado a week later… so much to look forward to

    • I am going to have to let you know when I finish it. The beginning was hard for me to read… now it’s definitely getting more exciting… but I still have WAAAAY more to go. So long!!

  3. I read the Count of Monte Cristo several years ago, I think. I had seen the movie first, so I was interested in reading the book if only to see how much it differed from the movie {spoiler: they basically have only the beginning half in common}. I’ll be interested to hear what you think when you’re done!

    I lovelovelove this idea of combining an Instagram dump + currently into one post. It’s perfect.

    P.S. I’m officially asking you to consider moving to North Carolina so you can teach my kids in school. I doubt there’s a better first grade teacher out there for them. ;)

    • Yeah, the combining really works well here! Maybe you’ll do it for your next one, too!

      And I MAY consider the whole moving thing. I’ve had it UP TO HERE with New England winters at this point!

  4. This is such a happy photo + brain dump! You make this icky end of winter-time look lovely :)

    • Brain dump. I like that, because that’s totally what this was and I liked it. Very satisfying!

      And thanks! It doesn’t always feel lovely, but I try to find the good in it where I can!

  5. Your photos are so beautiful! Love your editing too. Ever consider tutoring? :)

    • Tutoring for photo-taking? Never thought of it!

      But I edit mostly with the VSCO cam app— so now you know one of my secrets! :)

  6. I can haz run with you post-marathon?

  7. You are such a quote curator. You have the best taste in quotes.
    Joe and I just love GIRLS too. We’re not sure why. Or at least, when people ask me what I think of it, I answer really awkwardly. She wrote about puppies for the New Yorker this week:
    The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favorites! I love all the scheming. The original Ocean’s 11 type vindication.
    Next time you’re in Salem: A & J King bakery!

    • Pinterest, baby! And I tried to find who said this quote first, but alas, I searched and searched to no avail. That’s the trouble with Pinterest sometimes, too.

      Yeah, Girls. It’s definitely dirty, but also it’s GOLD. Pure gold. AND THAT SONG! We’ve been playing it non-stop over here for weeks!!

      Heading to the comfy chair to read more about Edward Dante now… Will he ever get out of prison?! (DON’T TELL ME.)

      And thanks for the Salem tip! So much goodness in one comment!!

  8. Oh! and: the Icona Pop song “I love it.” Best thing I took from GIRLS this season. Perfect for driving/rocking it.

    • “You’re on a different road, I’m in the milky way
      You want me down on earth, but I am up in space
      You’re so damn hard to please, we gotta kill this switch
      You’re from the 70’s, but I’m a 90’s bitch.”

      TOO GOOD. Too too good.

  9. Ah, you know how I feel about The Count of Monte Cristo. I hope it doesn’t let you down!

    Also, I am seeing Girls all over the place everywhere, and I just have this crazy feeling that I would lovelovelove it. Got to get my hands on it!

  10. Wishing you so much luck with couch-to-5K! Have you signed up for a real 5K? I’ve heard it’s great motivation for staying on track (and I just might sign up with you….)

    SO glad you finally got into Girls! Definitely the weirdest/funniest/most bizarrely relevant show on TV these days.

    Can’t wait to hear about the giveaway!!

    • I have not signed up for one yet, but I’m thinking I should! And I would love to do one with you! Let’s DO IT!!!

      And as for girls being the “weirdest/funniest/most bizarrely relevant show on TV these days”, YES. ABSOLUTELY YES.

  11. First time commenter here- I am a teacher and jealous of your snow days! School in June is just how you described it! I also LOVE Boston! I’ve only been once and was sick when I visited but hope to make it back one day!

    • I hope you make it back, too! And in the spring or fall! (that’s the best time to visit!)

      Also, thanks for saying hi. :)

  12. I really wish I had the willpower to start an exercising program like the one you’re doing. I think I’m just too lazy… ;)

  13. The lately, after years of saying “no way” when other suggest it, I’ve been thinking about how much I would love being a teacher. When folks (like you) write about their students it makes that thought pulse a little more. I’m itching for work that makes a bigger difference in the lives of others. Maybe it is because I can see 30 on the horizon (only 3 months away), I just know it is time for something new.

    P.S. woohoo on couch to 5k!

    • I seriously laugh and have a fun time every single day. Teaching is the best. It’s hard, but the fun and reward of it all is worth everything to me.

      Good luck with figuring it all out! (and 30 is close for me too! 6 months! Scary! But also not as bad as we think? {I hope!})

  14. look at how wonderful and delightful your life is!!! oh goodness it is a dream.

    i have read monte cristo, and i loved it. but goodness if i don’t love a good revenge story. it’s why i keep watching the real housewives of beverly hills.

    i want to put my face into that bowl of peanut butter.

    good luck with the 5K – you’ll be great!

  15. Couldn’t believe another day either! A great excuse to be cozy and knit though :)

  16. I just recently got hooked on pandora (I know, really late to that party.) I have it on almost constantly at home (the Of Monsters and Men station and the Mumford and Sons station are fantastic.) & we listen to it almost daily in the classroom. Easy listening is a good one for at school and my little ones love the adele station.

    • It’s so great to have on in the background– because you don’t have to worry about anything… I love the idea of playing it at school and do a lot of the time for Writer’s Workshop, but that’s all. I try to play a classical piano station, but maybe I will need to try out Adele! (the kids will probably adore it!)

  17. Girl…these post has me in love. So proud of you for doing couch to 5k! Keep up the hard work! And YES to Pandora & Girls! I practically ONLY listen to Pandora and love it for the same reasons. I need to broaden my horizons with it a bit because I switched from Mumford to Lumineers to Head & the Heart and they all play similar songs.

  18. Oh my gosh, thank you for the sweetest comment ever on my blog and I’m so sorry it took me so long to get over here! I love this space of yours – and those snapshots are all so wonderful (your necklace, your shoes, little Hope…that yarn)!

    I was a big fan of the Count of Monte Cristo, but it’s definitely one of the longest books I’ve ever read. It sounds like it’s picking up for you, which is wonderful – I’d say stick with it if you can!

    And I’m so happy that you’ve started knitting – I love it so much that I always get really excited when someone else learns. Can’t wait to see your first project!

  19. As always, I love all your snapshots AND hearing what you are up to lately.

    Best of luck on the 5K! I never used to run but have slowing been working on it and love it now. I hope you do too!

  20. My cousin has been talking about getting HBO, and I must say I couldn’t agree with her more, because I want to start watching Girls! I’ve heard a lot of great things about it, despite the articles I’ve read nay-saying the show. It still sounds like an interesting story-line and Lena Dunham just seems so ridiculously hilarious, I must watch it soon!

    I had a boyfriend in high school whose favorite movie was The Count of Monte Cristo. I want to read the book, but I remember not getting into the movie so much as a teenager. However, my tastes have changed a lot since then, so it’s very possible I may like it now.

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