enjoy all the things: spring break 2013


Here I am, back in action. Sun in the sky, spring vacation at my feet. It feels good to be here and it feels good to be free.

So! I thought I’d map out my plan for the week, to hopefully make it a worthwhile one, but also, because who doesn’t love a good list every now and again? This spring break is a staycation for me, and although I love traveling, this is just what I need this time around– a little rest and relaxation, and some free time to enjoy my favorite city at the start of a new spring.

On the agenda:

1. Blog everyday.

That’s right, ya heard me! I’m going to take this week to blog about things I’ve been meaning to blog about for a long, long time. There are pictures to share and stories to tell and I’m glad to finally have the time to sit down with my trusty keyboard write it all out.

2. Watch the Boston Marathon.

The best day of the year in Boston!! No, but seriously, IT IS. My sister, her boyfriend, and I are going to head over to Brookline in a bit to stand in the sunshine and CHEER ON THOSE RUNNERS! The Boston Marathon always brings me 2 things: it brings me this overwhelming sense of appreciation for Boston, and, it brings me to tears. Happy, hopeful, honest to goodness inspirational tears. THE BEST.


3. Spring clean. EVERYTHING.

Long overdue {both spring, and the cleaning}, I am ready to tackle this project with everything I’ve got. I’m getting rid of old clothes, scrubbing the house top to bottom, and de-junkifying my life. BRING. IT. ON. I am pumped.

4. ReadĀ The Light Between Oceans.

Finally some time to sit and read and get lost inside a story– and I’ve heard this book is a good one. If it’s nice enough I’ll read on my back porch, I’ll spend an afternoon at the Boston Public Library, and my couch, with the afternoon sunlight streaming on my feet, simply never lets me down.

5. Finish Dawson’s Creek.

AT LAST I am on season 6 {the final season!} and it’s been one heck of a run. I started watching this show (for the second time) back in November, got good and into it, then lost steam somewhere around the holidays. Recently, I’ve come back to it in full force and have mixed feelings that the end is near. What will I do without my beloved Creek friends once I’m all through? And more seriously, what will I tweet about?? Totally ridiculous, I know, but I can’t help but love it. I always have and I always will.

6. Run | Bike | Yoga.

It’s a beautiful time to be outside! It’s a beautiful time to get some exercise.

7. Enjoy all the things.

Frolic in the sunshine, sip my coffee slowly, take lots of pictures, go out to dinner, have a solo-dance party, savor every day, every hour, every minute. This is spring break, after all. Better make it a good one.




  1. Gah, so jealous you’re watching Boston right now! I’m streaming it online. It really is so inspirational.

  2. Amazing plan for the week! I hope that you get to do all of this good stuff, and I hope that my week is just as productive. I think we have similar taste in books, so I’ll have to check The Light Between Oceans out! I am reading Island Beneath the Sea right now, and I love it – have you read it? I think you would like it! Excited for all the blog posts this week!

  3. Love this plan!!!! Wish I could share ;) Looking forward to seeing what you write about too :) Enjoy enjoy enjoy, Anna!!

  4. So jealous of your spring break! Have a blast this week! Looking forward to reading my way through your upcoming posts :)

  5. I read The Light Between Oceans in about 2 days last week. It was SO good and I’m still thinking about it!

  6. YAY to Spring Break! And Spring cleaning…feels good to cleanse!
    Hope to see you around this week!

  7. PLEASE live-tweet the finale of Dawson’s Creek? Both times I’ve seen it, I bawled like a baby. Also, have you gotten to the part with Jen’s unfortunate hair cut yet? IT IS THE WORST.

    Also, probably I should make {another} goal about posting regularly. It’s hard to get in the right state of mind sometimes, you know?

  8. Sounds like a great week! Enjoy!

  9. Please update us that you are ok! I am praying for your beloved city and everyone affected.

  10. sounds like the perfect week! I look forward to all your posting goodness :)

  11. So glad you’re ok! What an awful day for Boston.

  12. Freaking great plans! I want a staycation just so I can do some of the same awesomeness…

    And JEALOUS of your DC progress. I got caught up in The Walking Dead but need to get back to my roots!

  13. Reading this after news of the explosions. I hope you and your family and friends are all ok. Boston is a favorite city of mine and you are all in my thoughts tonight!

  14. so glad you are okay, anna dear! still can’t believe it. sending you lots of love from brookline.

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