goal six: learn to knit

I can officially say I know how to knit. So far I have only made a cotton dish cloth (and I’m not finished with it yet), but still, I know how to knit all the same.

Practice is the key here, I think, and before you and I know it, I’ll {hopefully} be knitting up a storm.

Here are some things I am dreaming of making:

A hat like this one

And a scarf like this one.

For Zan.

And for me.

Also, how adorable is this? I just can’t even.

Next Christmas, I’ll hopefully be making all my holiday gifts. At this point it seems I’m getting ahead of myself, but with enough practice I think I can start to make some magic. At least, I’m dreaming about it! There is so much pretty out there, I just want to make it all.


I tried to teach myself via youtube, but that didn’t work in my favor, then my cousin Haley came to town and taught me how to knit and purl, but as soon as she left I forgot everything she taught me, so last weekend I finally decided to spend a little money to take an actual class.

Enter, Gather Here


The class (Knitting Basics) was awesome and completely worth the money ($45). It was just me and 4 other people, so it was really intimate and completely hands-on (obviously!). The instructor was super nice and adorable, and with the small number of students she was really able to walk around and help us as we needed it. It was two and a half hours, too, which seems really long but actually went by in a flash. I loved sitting around the knitting table chatting with the other beginning knitters, sipping on tea (they have it there for you to enjoy!) and working towards by goal.

Most of all, I love how good I feel about knitting now that I’ve taken the class. I feel more confident and now it’s just about a whole lot of practice.

Who knows, maybe next I’ll learn to sew?


Do you knit? Did you have a hard time getting used to it? So far for me it’s still pretty laborious, but I dream of the day I can sit in front of the TV with my knitting needles working feverishly on a cozy project.


I’ll be sure to post about my first real project (not my dish towel) as soon as I complete it. Wish me luck.


  1. This is something I’ve always wanted to learn how to do. I could totally see myself doing this while winding down at night after work.

    • Yes! I’m not at the point of relaxation yet, right now I’m super tense… haha. But hopefully someday I’ll get there.

  2. UGH WHAT!? how did i not know about gather here? (i almost wrote “knot” instead of “not”…pun slightly intended…) i muuuuust go! they also have a michael’s in porter now, apparently! holla for crafting.


      But, you need to get there stat! There’s a great coffee shop right next door, too {Dwelltime} AND the Cambridge Public Library is right down the street!!

      So much goodness in Cambridge. I know you love it.

    • Oh, also! I have been to the Michaels in Porter! DREAM!

  3. I would love to learn how to knit. Taking a class in a cute little shop like that would be much more inspiring than youtube.

  4. My Mom taught me how to knit, and I want to reassure you that it’s like riding a bicycle – once you can do it, you never forget. Granted, if I wanted to do something more complicated than a garter stitch, like say, making cables or changing colors and carrying the yarn behind, I might need help. I can’t say that I am so good at it that I can take my eyes off what I’m doing, but then again, I can’t type without looking at the keyboard either. I only wish I had been successful at teaching my daughters to knit (or sew, or crochet, or embroider…). It’s a wonderful skill/talent, and should never be anything but relaxing and satisfying, so enjoy your newfound hobby!

  5. Friend you can totally knit! There are only two stitches and you already know them- next time you come visit I will teach you to cable so you can knit Irish sweaters! It’s so easy you’ll feel tricked. Xoxoxo

  6. Yeah, I love this place. I don’t get there nearly enough, but I love it! I took a class two years ago-ish that taught me how to use my sewing machine and it changed my life. Focusing on these bits of our town these days :)

  7. What an adorable shop! I learned to knit in college from a girlfriend, but I think all that knowledge has flown out of my head (and I was never very good – I could only go in an endless straight line!). A little class here would be so fun!

  8. What an adorable spot! Ok…my question is this, how do you fit it all in?! I crochet, but I haven’t picked it back up in over a year. Somehow I just can’t find the time! Between blogging, reading, TV, exercise, and actually spending time with people…I just can’t seem to find the time!

  9. Knitting is SO much fun! You’re inspiring me to take it up again :) made a massive chunky scarf quite a few years back…ooo, seriously itching to start again. Thank you! Also, so glad that you’ve got out of town for a bit; enjoy Maine, and the baby shower xx (I’m @FlyWithFairies on twitter, and @happysnappysarah on instagram…it gets a bit confusing when all the usernames don’t match – sorry about that!) x

  10. Hooray for knitting! It’s been a while since I learned, but I promise, once you get the hang of it, it is the coziest, most relaxing hobby. (Bostonians can use some cozy and relaxing hobbies right now, methinks.)

  11. I’m a reluctant sewer but have never tried knitting. I’m probably wrong but it looks complicated! I can’t wait to see your projects!

  12. I can’t knit to save my life and, actually, I’m not interested in learning, but my mother did teach me to sew and quilt and I’d love to get better at both! She’s a total pro but she still takes a class every week at a locally-famous sewing store. It’s the most advanced class they have, and you know what they do? It’s two hours of half a dozen women sitting around a huge table, all of whom have brought their own projects, and they just chat and sew together! There is a lovely instructor who walks around and gives advice and helps with questions as needed, but, like you say, half the magic is in the community of crafting :)

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