work and weekend.

I haven’t been around here much lately, I know. Turns out April is busy in the best kind of way.

I hope you’re all well, and that April {so far} has been good to you, too.

My days have looked a little like this lately:

Time with Zan

First grade is taking over the bulk of my energy and I’m loving it. I’ve been in those moods after school where I stay on for hours getting things done, and the whole time I’m there I’m enjoying myself. I always like what I do, but winter drags me down sometimes and the list of things to do piles on with little to no motivation to keep the momentum going. Papers collect, stuff gets pushed to the way-side, and my mind jumps from thing to thing without a lot of effort to just be.

These days it’s different. These days I’m letting myself be completely immersed in my classroom and it feels wonderful. I have a sneaking suspicion it has to do with the sun being out longer and vacation being just around the corner, but still. Open House is next week, too, and that always gets my teacher-mode going into super-drive. Perfectionism at it’s best.

The days are going by fast and time with the littles is making me happy. I know these kids so well by now. I know what makes them tick, and they know how to make me laugh. We have so much fun for those 6 hours a day we’re together. I adore it.

This weekend is all about the nothing, the everything, the whatever I so choose.

{And cheering on Syracuse, definitely that, too.}

Life’s kind of like a roller coaster right now from week to weekend, but I love roller coasters so I’m just enjoying the ride.


  1. I remember those days when you just get into a groove and papers get graded, classroom gets cleaned and lessons get planned. I love that feeling.

  2. What I wonderful post! I totally know and understand the feeling so busy with real-life things, and that is a GOOD feeling, so I’m happy for you. :) {At the same time, I lovelovelove reading your blog, so I’ll also be happy when you post more often also.}

  3. I am loving the warmer weather we’ve been getting in SC. This week is going to be upper 70s-lower 80s, and I am stoked! I hope I get a lot more reading some than I’ve been doing. Winter has been dragging me down and I’m ready to be pepped back up!

  4. I FEEL YOU. My busy-ness hasn’t been quite as positive as yours, but I’m finding that these sunny days are just eaten up so quickly. I miss my little bloggy space, but it’s just honestly one of the last things on my mind at the moment.

    Missing your updates, but happier to hear that things are so wonderful. =)

  5. What a very cool picture! Glad you’re enjoying your days! :)

    • I’m not sure of the source! Been looking around but all it ever leads me to is that damn Tumbler.

      If there’s anyone out there who knows of it give me a holler!

  6. i love how you love what you do. it makes me feel so much hope in finding the same once i graduate. thank you so much for being YOU, anna!

  7. NetflixNetflixNetflix. Also you adequately described 99 percent of my days, but replace school with work and/or running, and Zan with Craig. Obviously.

    • But you blog a lot more often than I do! Send me some of your blogging vibes! I miss ’em!

      And oh, Netflix. What on earth would we do without you!

  8. It’s so nice to get in a groove at work and it seems less like, well, “work”. I’m sure that nice vacation on the horizon makes it easy to be diligent and peppy too!

    • Yes! It’s pretty great when work doesn’t seem like work at all. I hardly ever get that “sunday night” feeling I used to get before some of my classes in college!

      Also, VACATION. 4 days. {Not that I’m counting or anything.}


  9. dude – same thing has been happening with me! i knew the first few weeks of my new job would be intense, so i’ve been totally immersed (in a good way) and then coming up for a breath on the weekends and just soaking that breath in. p.s. love that photo.

    • I had a feeling you were going through a similar thing– our blogs have been a little neglected! But THIS IS LIVING and we are straight up in the middle of it.

      Power to ya, girl. Glad you are enjoying the new gig!

  10. I honestly think life is just easier as the weather slowly warms up. I remember how exhausting teaching could be by the end of the winter, but I always felt a sense of renewal as Spring arrived. Your students are lucky to have you! It’s great to feel renewed to teaching this time of year, and to know that if you power through, summertime is around the corner!

  11. I completely agree with you! I get so dragged down in the winter, and I rarely want to do much besides watch TV in my sweats, take warm baths, read, and eat. Doesn’t make for a very healthy combination. I am already feeling the spunk that spring has brought, and I’m so glad it’s finally here! Glad you are feeling it, too! :)

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