ten things that are making me happy.

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So a lot of my internet lovers {aka blog friends} have been seriously BUSY in the blogging department doing this “Blog Every Day in May” gig. My thoughts on this are simple: I FREAKING LOVE IT. My only regret is that I am not partaking in the action. I can’t decide if I would soar to new blogging heights or be boggled down by the pressure of it all. I guess we will never really know how I would fare with the challenge, but what I do know is that many many people out there in this blogging abiss are rocking it.

It is here and now that I will borrow this idea to write my own happy list… just because!


1. Reading intermediate fiction, which is basically teacher talk for KID NOVELS.

Books I’ve read and loved lately:


The One and Only Ivan

The Tiger Rising

I also read Tuck Everlasting, and liked it but didn’t LOOOVE it.

Kid novels are almost always terrific… life changing, even. There is so much real and true in these books I hope you all put them on your to-read list someday.

2.THIS MAXI SKIRT {in Navy and B+W Striped} with THIS DENIM JACKET.

Do you guys think wearing those to work 3-4 times a week is socially acceptable? And on weekends, too? Because they are SO soft and cozy and I just can’t even help myself.

And the denim jacket? Thanks to Madeline I bought one that was affordable and adorable {thanks, lady!}.

3. Sarah’s twitter feed. She just makes me smile and I want to be her friend.

4. Little City Radio. So good!

I’d found the link through one of Kate’s posts, raved about it to Bridget, who in turn told me it’s actually Kate and a friend who put it together. Love that. Delicious music, I tell ya. Good stuff.

5. A Beautiful Mess’ new iphone app. It’s just fun, guys. REALLY FUN.

6. Spring in Boston. Has it always been this glorious? Because this year is especially so.

7. This month’s Boston Magazine cover. And the stories that are inside. Heart-wrenching accounts from runners of the 117th Boston Marathon. Read my friend Alex’s story here. And buy a print of the cover here. It’s sad, but also beautiful, and what’s making me happy is how Boston has bounced back to be an even stronger version of the place we all adore.

8. This blog. And this one. And this one and this one, too.

9. Watching my struggling first graders become readers. Every year I’ve had those kids– those few that just aren’t getting it. I’ve worked really hard with this group this year {alway do!} and I’m seeing progress that makes me want to cheer. And actually, the other day, I did. I cheered and said “YEAH, YOU! You little readers, YOU!” and gave them all high fives and I could see it in their faces that they were proud. And I was proud, too.

10. 26 more days til summer. Ya hear??! <—— THAT is the best of the best of all the things that are making me happy. Yeeeah!

What’s the best of the best of all the things for you?


  1. oh man – you get a summer. jealous jealous jealous. i TOO am excited about spring…and summer…and the weekend that Brian and I are coming to Boston and have officially put on our calendar :)

  2. Ooooo so much good stuff on here!! I love when you give me ideas for new music to listen to or blogs to follow! Do you know that I printed out the list of books you read last summer as a guide of what to read and I have read them all now! Does this make me a fan?? Creepy? Copy cat? All of the above!! Miss you friend. Mean it. xo

    • FAN! My #1!!!

      Glad you read them! There were some great ones in that mix! Also, glad to help you find new music and blogs! There’s so much great out there I love to share!

      XO, friend!

  3. LOVE this list (ps you’re too kind w/ that shout-out BTW)!! I definitely think your first-graders reading + the COUNTDOWN to summer kind of takes the cake though.. I so admire what you do as a teacher and think that sunny summer break is so stinkin deserved, yay YOU! Is it bad that I’m jelly of it?? Hehe. OH YEAH.. just downloaded the app from ‘A Beautiful Mess’ and I’m so happy dancing over here, downright fabulous.

    • Thanks, Casey! Seeing them come so far is so rewarding. Sometimes I tear up!

      ANd I adore your blog. AND YOU.

  4. Girl, you are SO CLOSE to summer break! You’re going to make it! Then, when you do, I’m going to be really jealous, as you blog about all sorts of fun warm weather things that you get to do. But I know how hard you and all teachers work to get through the year, so I’ll say it’s ok ;)

    I think the Blog Everyday in May thing is a good idea, and it’s fun seeing people’s posts… but I think it would burn me out. I only enjoy my blog when it’s for fun. As soon as I feel pressure, I end up skipping out for at least a week or two!

    • Yeah, I would likely burn out. I’s a lot.

      But I like the idea of it too– to let go of the perfection a little {which I’m guilty of} and just blog it all out. I like that part a lot.

  5. You are the best thing of all the things for me.

  6. you know what i love about your blog the most? that i can just FEEL your enthusiasm jumping off it. and its contagious :]

  7. What a great list! I especially love number 1 (the intermediate fiction one). Intermediate fiction can be SO good. And it reminds me that I need to pick those books up and read them more often!

    And I also have to agree with you on the Beautiful Mess app. I LOVE it and can’t get enough of it. I could literally spend hours just editing photos on there. :)

  8. luuurrrve that maxi skirt

  9. Love that maxi skirt. Need it! Your style is superb lady, superb!

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