hello! hello!

iphone case-2

OH! hello.

Dropped off the face of the blogger earth for a little while. But I’m back and it’s no big deal.

If you are here right now reading then I thank you. Thank you for coming back even though I was gone for awhile. And if you were one of those people checking this blog on the reg, then I want to hug you and give you chocolate. I don’t know exactly who you are, I just know you’re coming and that makes me smile.

Anyway. Enough of that.

Today I am getting a new phone and it is VERY EXCITING. I have literally had my old phone for over 2 years which is sad and unnecessary, but I am one to avoid change and so this is how it happened. Over the last few months or so my phone has been dying a very slow death (the circle button hardly works, my apps like to quit on me often and much) and today my instagram will no longer let me see things I want to see and so this is where I draw the line. Obviously, this is a GINORMOUS problem.

And so I am off! Right now! To the store to wait and wait probably for an hour or more but when I exit I will have my new little white iphone 5 in hand. And all will be right in the world again.

See you guys on the flip side!

And a happy Saturday to you all!


Rifle Paper Co. iPhone case c/o Red Envelope. LOVE.


  1. I’m trying to be the literal last person with an iPhone. :) Thankfully I can insta on my iPad, but it’s just not the same!

  2. You are gonna be over the moon with happiness when you get that new phone. Can’t wait to hear about it on the Twitters.

  3. excitement about a new phone, that is on the way to you is the best… and than this little party inside your stomach, when it has finally arrived … best feeling!
    have a great day!! :D

  4. Ali Herter says:

    Glad you’re back friend! Missed you! And you will LOVE the new iphone5….the camera is fab!! Enjoy! xo

  5. Welcome back friend. trust me, we would NEVER leave :-)

    So Jeal of your new phone.

    Also, please tell me its true you are watching Friday Night Lights. let’s chat. amazing.

  6. please tell me you got that phone case! it’s tooooo you. :) and congrats on your new phone!

  7. Same here! After dropping my iPhone4 too many times, mine has basically given out. The phone service hardly works. I tried to get the 5 on Friday but that didn’t work out. We’re going today I think!! Same kind!

  8. I 100% want a Rifle phone case! Tell me how the quality is. I’m loyal to Kate Spade hard cases because they withstand everything, but the design on the Rifle cases has me won…

    • Before I got mine (gifted to me) my friend who also got a Rifle case said she didn’t like the quality, so I was a little hesitant when I received mine. But I think it’s good quality now that I actually have it in my hand and on my phone, especially the particular case I got.

      I have had a Kate Spade case before (and dropped it a TON) and it always protected my phone. Have not dropped this one yet (knock on wood!), but I hope to the heavens that it’ll protect it all the same.

      I will keep you updated on the quality! Above all else it is the most adorable though. RIGHT?!!?

  9. oh man that case is too freaking cute! welcome back :)

  10. HURRAH!!

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