the nannerburns beauty makeover…

Alternate post title: “About the time I had a virtual makeover/wasted 3 hours of my life.”


Let’s just go ahead and start this post by saying that I have A LOT of time on my hands. Proof of this will be evident to you in just a second. Sometimes having time off is wonderful {I can get stuff done! And read! And blog!} and other times I have to take a step back and ask myself what the heck I’m doing. This morning was one of the latter. The weekend treated us gloriously and this morning I found myself sitting at my computer, not ready to tackle the celebration pictures just yet. There I was, mindlessly scrolling through the twitter when thoughts of a haircut came up. I’ve been thinking lately about changing up my hair. I’ve been thinking about long and short and layers and bangs. I’ve been thinking it might be fun to try something new, even if only for a little while because we all know hair grows back and this sort of thing doesn’t last forever. I think that’s why people DO try new hairstyles, because it is such an easy, fun way to change your look, without making it permanent. I’m saying this when I myself have never gone farther than cutting off a few inches at a time and adding a few layers. I’ve never even dyed my hair. {I know, I’m completely boring.} BUT still, the thought of doing something new is always a possibility.


I’ve heard that there are sites where you can see how you look with different hair, and so, this morning I googled it. And I found one. A really good one.

It’s called Daily Makeover and it’s ridiculously fabulous and time consuming {and free}. Maybe you know it, maybe you have no idea it exists, but I’m here to tell you that it can and will take hours of your life, but also that you will have a blast.

Oh, this website is fun.

You can try out new hairstyles.

And new hair colors.

And play with make-up and jewelry and everything.

And when I do cut my hair, I likely won’t do anything drastic, but it’s kind of cool {and also encouraging/scary} to be able to see what you might look like if you did decide to take the plunge.

So now, without further ado, I present to you…

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Hilarious, right? {OR crazy. I can’t decide.} I used all kinds of celebs to inspire these looks {Emma Stone, Brandy, Taylor Swift, and Halle Berry to name a few}. Some of them are completely ridiculous and some of them are actually decent. I mean, I kind of don’t look all that bad as a blonde. WHO KNEW?

I’m trying to choose which one is my fave. I think #19 is the probably the most realistic, and it’s exciting to see that I actually might look good with side bangs. I also kind of like #2 {so light!} and also #11. #5 is totally T-swift and #21 is Cameron Diaz. And oh, my goodness, isn’t this just fun?


I played around with a little make-up and earrings, too:

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You could literally be on this site for hours. There are HUNDREDS OF HUNDREDS of hairstyles to choose from and the make-up/jewelry part will also take minutes of your life away. Totally a waste of time. But a fun one.

Now YOU need to go and do it. And then obviously show me yours.



P.S. Which one do you like best?
Do you think I should get side bangs or are they totally annoying?
Do you like the turquoise? JK. {Unless that’s your jam.}


  1. Do you know what I love the best about this? I’ll tell you.

    I love how each look makes you look so distinctly different – and while that’s obvious, I do have a point. Each haircut makes you look so specifically different – it’s like, this one looks so friendly! sexy! fierce! bold. sassy. friendly. and on and on. I find it super interesting how we judge people (in good ways and in not so nice ways) based on how they look, whether we’d like to admit it or not, because different looks represent those different personality traits. I feel like my babble is confusing, so rather than erase and re-type, I’m going to give you some examples.

    If I met you in person and you had #22 hair, I would think you were kind of laid back and probably outdoorsy. #23 hair – sassy and outgoing. Do you see what I’m saying? Anyways, I’m babbling.

    You’re beautiful and whatever you decide to do to your hair will be entirely perfectly YOU. And just know that I am 100% in support of the BLONDE option ;) xoxo

  2. You can totally pull off blonde hair!

    This reminds me of that barbie head and shoulders from childhood, with the hairstyle stuff. Remember her?

  3. OMG this is too fun! You really are a red head :) I actually really like #2–you can pull off blonde for sure. sidebangs are SO fun but a huge pain to grow out. Thanks fo sharing/wasting 3 hours of your life for this!!

    Alicia B.

  4. Hannah Magee says:

    This is HILARIOUS!

    I vote bangs. They look really good on you slash your photo!

    Keep me posted!


  5. You can TOTALLY do the side bang thing!!! I esp. like 19 and 22, where they’re parted to the left. Also, I know this is super drastic, but I love that pixie one on you, too! I could talk about other people’s hair all day, haha. Maybe I should do this – I am v. boring in the hair department (chin length to shoulder length over and over again…).

  6. ANNA. I LOVE YOU. oh my god this is SOLID GOLD. i cannot handle 14. i think it will take me a few days to cope with how hard i’m laughing right now. naturally, you’re adorable in each one.

  7. THANK YOU. i have always thought of a short platinum bob (a la michelle williams) but am afriad it would look bad because of my very round face. now i know where to gooooo. also i am very into the same ones you were into, particularly #2 and #11. You would make a great blonde anna! Start with #11 then if it’s good transition into #2/cameron diaz hair. I also think the shade darker/black hair looked good on you as well.

  8. LOVE IT. The blonde totally works on you! I got bored recently and cut off all my hair. It worked out, but I feel like I could have scratched the same itch by spending three hours on my computer. SO MUCH FUN. (And I maintain that sometimes it’s good for you to waste time doing things like this- clears the mind and whatnot.)

    p.s. I think #11 is my fave.

  9. Dyyyyyyyyying right now. Love this. I agree Hannah Magee….Bangs it is for you Ans!! They would look fab!!

  10. this is making me smile so hard right now LOOK HOW FRIGGEn CUTE in every look. I mean, afro? Perfect. Breakfast at Tiffany’s updo? Amazing. Mohawk? CLASSIC. Just do it all, thanks! My personal favorites are 5 and 21…. You could totally rock a short flippy look and lighter? Yes.

  11. This is the best!!

  12. I say try side bangs because you can totes just pin them back or grow them out if they annoy you. I go back and forth with them. I’m growing mine out now, but I’ll probably cut them again in the next year or so.

  13. BANGS! I’m a huge fan. Zooey, Reese, TaySwift…you name it. I love em!

  14. This is too good! So funny but so useful. I’ve been debating bangs for a while now too. I can’t wait to go home, lock myself in the bedroom, and try some out :) As for your shots, I like 3, 7, and 19 the best. You could totally pull off blonde!

  15. Elizabeth says:

    Anna- I really like #11!

  16. I love one and two and all of them that are side bangs and wavy hair! What’s your hair texture normally? I feel like that plays a big part in the bang decision.

  17. I actually really like #3! I think you have the coloring to pull off the platinum blonde – I say go for it girl!

  18. Welp. Now I need to do this.

  19. THIS IS HILARIOUS. doin it.

  20. Okay, so I totally wrote a post about hair makeovers for tomorrow, because some of my coworkers are trying to convince me to get a pixie cut, but I’m just not sure about it. You should totally go look at my pictures and tell me what you think! I remembered you’d done a makeover post and found this post on your blog. Daily Makeover is honestly the best makeover site out there. All the other ones I tried sucked by comparison.

    I’m really loving #14, by the way.


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