holding onto summer.

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Today is a near perfect end of summer/beginning of fall day. It’s sunny, and warm, but with just enough chill that jeans are in the “to wear” pile. I like that. All summer long I can’t even imagine the thought of putting on jeans— too hot, too uncomfortable. Hot and uncomfortable is kind of my favorite, though, so I like that, too. I like the idea of walking around in short shorts and a loose tank, sweat dripping from the creases of my arms and legs. There’s something glorious about it, even if a bit uncomfortable.

Jeans are also my favorite. And a coolish breeze on a warmish day.

So I’m in flux. Stuck between my goodbye to summer and my hello to fall. And right now, I’m okay with it. It’s a good place to be, I’ve realized.


These photos have little to do with this post, except for the fact that they are my tie to summer, my tie to home. I was lucky enough to spend a whole 10 days in New York this August. 10 DAYS of blue skies and puffy white clouds over shining waters. I’ll be posting more photos of my time on vacation over the next few days– they’ve been sitting on my computer for awhile and it’s about high time I share them. Also, I think in a way I’m holding onto summer through them— I’m living in the fall but keep peaking back. A fine way to ease into the season, I say. A fine way indeed.


  1. I really love that toenails and sunscreen shot.

  2. I like your pictures!!!!

  3. Sunscreen. You had me at sunscreen. Love these. So good to see after the most perfect weather weekend.

  4. Those SKIES. Seriously, my life is lacking in boat excursions.

  5. I think September is all about the flux, and that’s what makes it great. The weather this weekend really exemplified that, no? Warmish but coolish, and all around perfect for September.

  6. These photos are unreal!

  7. These pictures are so beautiful! Especially that second one. Oh, I just love visiting your blog. It always gives me the warm and fuzzies. :)

  8. it’s sad to read this as i’ve now started to wear coats and tights to work :( miss you summer!

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