around the house…

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This weekend has been all about doing things around the house. In the summer months it seems to get neglected because we’re hardly ever around, and in the fall the upkeep seems to be pushed to the wayside because of back-to-school. So, now that it’s November I figure it’s finally time to get moving on this house business. This weekend I was determined to get it clean and organized, and also tackle a few projects that I’ve had spinning around in my head for awhile.

My main project was to put up shelves in the office. I have so many prints that I’ve been collecting this year, and now I just need a space to put them all! I debated a gallery wall, kind of like this one, but it seemed in my head like it would be too much work. In the past I’ve placed prints and pictures on long wall shelves, which was my hope for this weekend— to put up the shelves easy peasy and VOILA! Instant update. However, this did NOT go as planned. Long story short there are 4 big holes in my wall right now because I AM NOT MEANT FOR THIS KIND OF THING. Apparently. Zan assures me that we’ll get it done and it will work out just fine, but after two days of frustrating mess-ups, I’ve decided to hand the project over to him/beg him to do it and hopefully I’ll have something to show soon. {Fingers crossed.}

Other projects included de-cluttering my dresser {things seem to get thrown there daily without a care!}, color coding my books, and deep cleaning my kitchen. I also took a trip to Ikea to buy some inexpensive frames— for my prints that have nowhere to go— but at least they’ll be all ready as soon as the shelves are in place. {Again, fingers crossed.}

I think my motivation behind all this cleaning/redecorating is that winter is coming, and with that, a lot of time spent indoors. If it’s going to be cold out, and we’re going to need to stay in and keep cozy, might as well be a space that I LOVE.

Mint flowers cans from IKEA
EAT sign DIY made possible here


  1. Your kitchen is so cheery! And I love all of that natural light. I agree about sprucing up the home and making it ready for a winter of hibernation. We have a few plans of the same these months we’ll be stuck inside. It’s good for the soul to have a place you love.

    • I feel like I never appreciated out kitchen very much until I took this picture. It does have some charm to it, doesn’t it?

      (And that EAT sign really is the icing on the cake.)

  2. Sounds like a productive weekend friend! I can’t wait to see the finished product. Love you. xo Moe

  3. But your kitchen looks real bomb so at least there’s that. And this weekend I was deep cleaning our bathroom, so I feel you gurl.

  4. I’m definitely going to get on that idea for your EAT sign. I think we have a spot to do something like that in our kitchen! And can you tell me more about that little coffee thing you have going on there? Because it looks like something I need to get my hands on :) xo

  5. I love productive weekends! I have recently been on a decluttering kick too. Even after moving, I am finding more and more things to chuck. IT FEELS SO GOOD. Also, I applaud you for your attempt at hanging shelves. I will gladly hammer nails in the walls, but anytime there is a drill or screw involved it kind of freaks me out and I solicit Michael’s help. I can’t wait to see what you put together in your office!

    P.S. I’m in love with that window over your sink!

    • moving is the best for that– for de-cluttering and starting fresh. I actually dont know what I was thinking trying to do those shelves all by myself. SIGH. You live and you learn.

  6. Really love the idea of long shelves instead of a gallery wall. Can’t wait to see the finished product & think I might just have to look around my house to see where I can install one myself :)

  7. I know what you mean about clutter. All summer, things were so go go go, I didn’t mind junk accumulating. Now that we’re starting to hunker down for the cold, I’m a woman possessed. Everything. Must. Go.

    Sounds like you are off to a good start getting things straight. Good luck with those shelves. Sounds like a two person (or one generous boyfriend) type of job :)

  8. I am horrible when it comes to having to put holes in the walls and hanging things. When I was in my own apartment, I was so proud of myself because I was able to put together these two black wall shelves I found at Target. I was able to hang one of them, but the other just would not work with me. It took my mom coming to visit me about a month later to help before that shelf got to hang with its sister. And in the house my cousin/roommate hung them for me. They now sit just over my headboard. :)

    Also, my dresser gets the brunt of my “just-sweeping-in-from-work-let-me-throw-this-down-somewhere” junk. And my desk is littered with books and sticky notes right now. I finally got my dresser cleaned off the other day, but have been holding off on my desk because I really need to organize my bookshelves. When I rearranged my room, they just got thrown onto the shelves without a care and I’ve been avoiding organizing them for a while. But last night I decided I definitely want to organize them by author. Before, I had them organized by genre, but I didn’t really like them like that. Perhaps an activity for the weekend!

    Good luck with your organizing and wall hanging!

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