the weekend before the weekend before christmas.

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I think I actually want to title this post, “A 50 MM DREAM.”

What do you think?

Now I don’t mean to toot my own horn by any means, but I’d be lying if I said my jaw doesn’t drop to the floor when I scroll through these photos. They’re not perfect, but still. I TOOK THESE? (!!!) That lens is obviously some sort of MAGIC. It’s honestly kind of amazing that my filter cracked this weekend. Sounds strange, but I’m actually really glad it did. Funny the way it is.


So these are the photos from our venture to Harvard Square last weekend. It was a cold, wet day just on the verge of snow. We went to all our favorite spots, the Book Store, Black Ink, Urban, Anthro, Burdick’s and Border Cafe. We even went to the one and only Curious George store for some gifts for the littles in our life. Oh! And Bob Slate Stationer, too. We stopped in to get some calligraphy pens for the holiday break since my Aunt Heidi offered to teach us while we’re in Connecticut for Christmas. The customer service in that little shop is completely refreshing. We had the kindest French man helping us out with our pen decisions, and a lovely man running the cash register too. Honestly, the nicest!

I found all my goodies for a Christmas city swap I’m participating in on Saturday, too. You can read about the swap here, and consider next year if Allie does it again! I loved being a part of it and will post soon about the items I chose to give– buying local was part of the concept (two thumbs UP) and I got really into it, which is just the way of it with me and these types of things. Such fun.

Now I’m ALMOST done with all my shopping. A few more stores to pop into and then I’m also DIY-ing a bunch of gifts this weekend. It’s about to get super crafty up in here.

2 more days of school!



A Merry Mix I’ve been listening to lately.
It’s perfect.


  1. wooo! here’s to be checking off everyone on the gift list, something i plan to do this weekend as well. the city swap sounds so cool – i will have to keep my eyes out for it next year. also, last night our postman delivered packages at 9 PM! god bless the postal service, who gets a bad rap, for all the hard work and extended hours they must work to get all our packages to us and the ones we love. it was crazy!

    • Yes, I hope she does it again next year– it’s such a good idea! And you’re right about those postal people. GOD BLESS THEM ALL!

  2. Literally the perfect day in Harvard Square. Your photos are incredible….and completely reminding me that it’s been much too long since I’ve been there. Also…Border Cafe – YUM!

  3. Beautiful photos : ) Love my 50mm.

  4. RIGHT?! RIGHTTTTT??!? 50mm! FTW!

    the snow actually falling in these pictures is the best. love them. and gimme those chips.

  5. The 50mm lens is such a life-changer. I rarely take mine off. Everything always looks so dreamy and fun. My next lens is hopefully a 40mm because FIXIES FO LYFE.

  6. Cute sweater Anna! I love these pictures- thanks for sharing.

  7. These photos are great! That lens really does do something special. I can’t wait to see your finished products when you get more comfortable with it.

    Learning calligraphy sounds so fun! Please share a little of what you learn!

    I just shipped off my gift for Allie’s city swap! It is such a fun idea to buy stuff for a stranger while bragging about the awesome things your city has to offer :) Good luck with your last couple days of school!!

    • I hope I can pick up the calligraphy pretty easily. We shall see! If I do find I have a knack for it, I’ll definitely share some writings!

      And I love how you gave Brooklyn goodies for the city swap. Such a special gem of a place!

  8. Love these pictures Anna + I especially love surprising yourself like you said, these came out beautifully!! Can’t wait to see the calligraphy skills, fistpump.

  9. Friend! These photos are amazing. Just wanted to share. I love when things surprise you like that. Xo Moe

  10. I’m swooning over the falling snow. it’s even prettier when captured in photos, if that’s even possible.

  11. LOVE these shots!

  12. I am so jealous of your 50 mm awesomeness! :) Your pictures are so pretty. Always, of course. It’s insane that it is only a few days till Christmas and we are experiencing 70 and 80 degree weather here in South Carolina. IN-SANE. A few years ago we were having the worst snow storm we’d ever seen and the other day, I swear, it was like summer again. Okay, maybe spring. I hope you have a merry Christmas, Anna, and enjoy your 50 mm lens! Can’t wait to see more of your shots. :)

  13. I’ve been searching for ages for a cute blog about Boston…so glad I finally found yours!! :) :) :)

  14. Can’t even handle these photos. I mean your photography always blows me away but THESE!! So stunning! And you’ve just inspired me to jet off and start researching better lenses… :-O

    Hope you had a very happy Christmas my dear!! xx

  15. I just found you blog via Anne the Adventurer. My husband and I have lived in Boston 4 years now, and it warms my heart to see and read about these places I know and love looking so especially magical!

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