shine on…

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“This is the year I will choose a word.”

That’s what I decided when 2104 rolled around. You know, the whole, choose a word, live the word, BE THE WORD. I liked the idea, this phenomenon. But you want to know what I did? When I first started this project, this idea of a word, I scoured the internet for hours. I googled “New Years Word”. I scrolled through all my instagram, pinterest, twitter. I looked at my friends’ words, I looked at strangers words. I looked to everyone else for my word, but you know what? I hardly even looked to myself.

So then I stopped and took a deep breath. Because I’d literally gotten myself in a tizzy over picking a word. Because this sort of thing— this sort of comparing, and measuring, and looking out into the world for the answers? This is the thing we do now. All of us. Definitely me. And this is the thing that I try so so hard not to do and not to be.

I am constantly telling myself and trying to believe in myself {succeeding in believing, and failing to believe}, that just being me is enough.


And so,


That’s my word.

And I’m not sure exactly what it means for me just yet, but it’s the single word that I thought up myself, and it spoke to me, and I feel something for it, and best of all, it just seems right. I don’t want to overanalyze it, or beat it to the ground. I just want to bring the light to my life, keep the light, shine the light. That quote up above? That’s the kind of life I want to live this year. That’s the kind of person I want to be.

Shine in, Shine out, Shine on.


  1. Oh, Anna. You’re so right. There is so much inspiration out there these days, it’s so easy to forget how many answers, how much inspiration, lie right inside. Here’s to year full of shining!

    p.s. because I can’t ever here the phrase “shine on” without thinking of it, one of my favorite songs:

  2. Beautiful word, Anna! Even though I don’t know you all that well, I do know that this word fits you perfectly (is that weird to say?). I always leave your blog filled with joy and I know it’s because you’re shining. :)

    Also, I so agree with you for words for the year! I did that same over-analyzing thing before finally choosing and blogging about my word. It’s crazy how something like resolutions or words for the year have to have so much thought put into them these days, right? :)

    • No weird to say, I feel like we all learn so much about each other on these spaces. Totally normal to me!

      And thanks for this comment. Means a lot to me. :)

  3. Ali Herter says:

    Can’t think of a better word for you friend. You certainly bring a lot of love and light to a whole lot of people’s life and Shine your joy and sunshine right on in. Keep shine-in’ girl….you’re one bright ray of light. Love you xo

  4. One word: perfection!

  5. This is THE perfect word! And this post made me cry a little bit? So much power and happiness in one little word! Shine bright like a DI-A-MOND, girlfriend.

  6. It’s a great word. It’s a word I’ve actually held (silently) over my daughter for years.




  7. What a perfect word for you!

    Also, I relate on the looking outward when we should be looking inward…I’d say that’s one of my biggest struggles right now.

    Anyways, you are the brightest. And SHINE is the best word anyone could have picked for you.

    That card still sits on my desk :) XO

    • thanks, E.

      And I had been planning this post with this picture for awhile. I think it was meant to be when you tweeted out to me last night. XO

  8. Perfect! This word is perfect for you and I can’t WAIT to see what it holds for you in 2014 :)

  9. I am really excited about this word for you!! I feel like “Shine” is something that you already do on the regular, so I’m SO excited to see what this year holds now that you’ve selected it as your word. The world is your oyster, girl! SHINE BRIGHT!

  10. I can’t imagine a better word for you, and I can’t wait to see how you grow into it even more this year!

  11. Such a great word to take to heart! I love this idea :) Also, have you ever read Gretchen Rubin’s “The Happiness Project”? I found it so helpful. She creates some commandments for herself and the first one was “Be Gretchen,” and understanding that what makes other people happy isn’t necessarily what would work for her. So simple but so important! :)

  12. Sounds perfect! At my church, we have this event called Shine every year, and it’s so amazing. It’s a prom for those who never got to go to prom. Here is a video from last year’s event :)

    • ANNE! I am crying the most tears ever over here! What a beautiful thing, thank you so much for sharing. I loved every second of that video. Amazing.

  13. Shine on!
    I’ve never really thought about the idea of a “new years word” but I would say mine this year is “Just”. In yoga we have this meditation where you count to ten, saying “just one, just two..” but if your mind is flooded with any thought you start back at one. I find myself repeating it even when I’m not in class to remind myself to just be. I’m centering myself.

  14. You’re so right! This is part of the reason I stepped back from reading blogs and blogging. The consumption with comparison. I got so wrapped up in my blog (and myself) being something that it’s not that I strayed from myself. I love your word. I hope it helps you get back to being and doing you…and the best version of YOU! Most importantly, learn what is important to and for you. Don’t let others dictate what should be important. My opinion is that the spectrum is huge. Shine on girl!

  15. You already shine so brightly – spilling goodness and light on to all those around you. Keep on shining, friend! xo

  16. That’s so lovely! I actually picked a word for this year, too, which was nice because it was a word I came up with on my own. In other years, I picked words that other people were using and obviously that didn’t work out well. This year I chose “curate” because I want to focus on compiling all the things in my life that are beautiful, useful, and important to me. It could be curating good habits or blog content or even just my iTunes library. I’ve been in the habit of collecting things or taking a lot of pictures just for the sake of having things to show without taking care with what I’m actually collecting or creating. Instant gratification hasn’t always been my friend. So my focus this year is to take care to curate well.

    • I love that word. I curate a lot too! It helps you weed out what’s important, the things that you love and speak to you.


  17. It’s the PERFECT word for you.

  18. Such an amazing word for you! I feel like you already shine (as much as I see through your photos and posts) but its a great sentiment to carry through every aspect of your day. Best of luck, Anna!

  19. Beautiful! SHINE on Anna!! Like a diamond :)


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