dear diary // a post about lately.

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I just got back from the grocery store. I snapped a photo of these flowers I bought, put them in water, and then sat down to write. I feel like it’s been such a long time since I’ve been on this space. Life has been happening, I’ve just not found the time or motivation to write anything down. I blame it on February. February is hard.

This past week I was on winter vacation from school. It always comes at a time when I just need a break– so I welcome it, and I savor it. Before we left school last Friday we had to have all of our report cards done and comments written. Report card comments are a new thing for me and my goodness did I procrastinate writing them, which is always the way I do things. The very last minute comes around and I’m up till all hours, and then I finish and I think to myself, Well that wasn’t so bad, why on earth did I wait so long? Oh, it’s just the way of it, and who knows if I’ll ever learn.

A few weeks ago my grandmother, whom I love and adore, fell one afternoon and had to be brought to the emergency room. It turns out her spinal stenosis had caused her so much pain in her back that her legs gave out and she lost control of her balance. Since then she has been using a wheel chair, but really needs help to do so many things, as she just can’t get around on her own. This news literally shook me up and had me fearing all sorts of sad things like death and loneliness. I can’t imagine life without my Grammy– and even the thought of her unable to walk got me all worked up and hysterical. Over the last 3 weeks my mom and dad have been taking turns driving down to Connecticut to help out and figure out the next step. My mom is so good with these things– talking to doctors, and figuring out the details. It was decided she would have surgery on her back to help remove a disk that was bothering her and we all went down this week to be with her while she was in the hospital. I am so glad that I was able to go and spend the week with her. There is no other place I would rather be.

{She’s doing very well at the moment. Thank  you, THANK YOU for your prayers.}

Other than that, life has been plenty fine.

I am desperate for spring to come after I’ve gotten a taste of it today, but I’ve also been loving spending weekends up in Vermont on the ski slopes. I bought a 4 pack this year in efforts to join Zan {skiing is his love language} and so far, so good. It’s GORGEOUS up there, the ski house is awesome, and gosh darnit, I think I might be pretty good. I have pictures to share soon, so be on the lookout for them– they really are out of a storybook.

Also. I’ve drastically changed my eating habits the last few weeks in an effort to feel healthier and hopefully figure out some allergy and sinus problems I’ve been having for a few years. I’m doing the Whole30 and today marks day 13 and I feel really good. Whole30 is something I’ve been thinking about doing for a long time, and one weekend at the beginning of February, I just decided to go for it and haven’t looked back since. I have plans to write a post about the whole experience, but for now I’ll say this– it’s not that hard and I sleep like I’m dead.

The one other thing I’ll add is that I have a good amount of energy, which makes me really happy. There were days in the past where I’d be so tired in the afternoon and right now I don’t feel any of that. I got a Fitbit to help motivate me to exercise more, and I can’t say much about that yet either since I’ve had it for less than 24 hours, except for the fact that I have been powering it around town the past 2 days like I’m on a mission, so there’s that. 10,000 steps does seem like a reach for me at this point {which is both sad, and true}, but I’ll be sure to report back, when I have more thoughts about it. Just gotta keep walking. Wish me luck.

This was so DEAR DIARY I almost wonder if I should post it at all, except I will, and that will be that.

Also, my groceries are waiting.

Until next time, dear friends! I hope to be back soon. :)


  1. I really loved this post. I’m sending the good juju to your grammy, and you’ve got me intrigued about the FitBit. I might give it a shot. And perhaps it’s time for me to jump back on the Whole30 train.

  2. Oh I so hope your granny does well. I was the luckiest to have mine as long as I did, they are the best! She is in my prayers.

  3. Thanks for sharing these intimate thoughts. I do wish all the best to your grandmother!

  4. I love this little update! And CAN NOT WAIT to hear about your Whole 30 experience! And the fitbit :) I’ve been debating one for a while. Hope you had the greatest winter break. I’m also so encouraged to read this sweet story about your grandmother. What a lucky thing to have such a wonderful family. Happy Monday!

  5. Loved this post. When you have a lot going on, the best thing is just to lay low, do what you feel like doing, and spend time with people you love. How fun to go skiing a bunch with Zan this season! I’m so sorry about your Grammy’s fall and surgery – I’m praying she’ll get through this! And that your family will too. xo

  6. Anna! I’m so sorry about your grandmom. That is soooo hard. Glad she’s not too far away and that you were able to be with her through some of the healing.

    I hope that Whole30 can be cheated on a bit come book club! (I’m a pusher.)

  7. I’m so thankful to hear your granny is ok! Those really are the hardest things to sort through, even when things are resolved and everybody’s ok, it’s just emotional.. at least for me. But I’m glad to hear things are better and that you have the ability to be by her side if you need.

    And way to go with the Whole30! Based on the cookies and COCA-COLA (I’m not partial to soda usually) I ingested yesterday, it all sounds very inspiring to me! Can’t wait to hear how it goes.

    Thanks for letting us read your diary, XOXO

  8. I really want hear about your whole30 experience, I keep thinking about it too, but eating bad things is just so much easier, right? So good to hear that it’s going well for you! Also, we need to hang out soon!

  9. I am so happy to hear that your Grammy is doing well. I know that sad lonliness you speak up. It creeps up on me often when I think about all the people I love. Hope it passes and you enjoy many many more years with her!

    I’m so intrigued to hear that you are halfway through a whole30 – and you didn’t even TELL ME! I’m dying to hear how it goes. If you want to write about it on The Eighty Twenty, please let me know.

    Talk soon Anna XOX

  10. I like dear diary entries – so thanks! I’ve been eating healthier too and have started to notice how awful I feel when I eat a cookie or doughnut. Eye opening stuff!

    • It really is! I am actually kind of nervous to eat sugar, or bread, or milk! What if I get a stomach ache!


  1. […] you meal plan? I never did before I started Whole30 {I never spent so much time in the kitchen either!} but this instant download from Brim Papery is […]

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