Archives for March 5, 2014

happy skin.

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Last Saturday, I took myself on a small business tour through the South End of Boston. The South End is one of those hidden gems of a neighborhood, and one that you’re only likely to frequent if you live in Boston or around it. I think that’s one of the reasons I love it so much. Beacon Hill has got charm and history, and the South End has all of that, minus the crowds! And oh, oh! THE FOOD. If I had to choose a place to dine, 9 out of 10 times I would choose the South End. #1 favorite– TORO! The most delicious of all the delicious.

For weeks now I’ve been meaning to visit a handful of shops in the SE, and Saturday I made it to all of them, each one unique and lovely in it’s own way.

Here are the places I visited:

Olives and Grace {for gifts and giftwrapping}
Niche {for succulents}
Sault {vintage finds + men’s clothing}
Follain {natural and organic skin care, hair care + makeup}

Follain was the main reason I ventured over to this part of town because of all the hype it’s been getting on my instagram feed. I had this feeling of “everybody’s been there but me!” running through my veins, and with a place as eye pleasing as this one, I knew it was time to bring myself there, STAT. Also, it’s been so nice putting natural foods into my body, I figured I might as well start putting them on my skin too, right?

I loved meeting the owner Tara, and she was so helpful informing me about all of the products available. I’m not heavy into makeup and washes, but I do get really dry hands, and use moisturizer on my face, so I got two bottles of lotion for just that. I also decided to get a soap, too {I got rosemary citrus!}, because the refill station sold me.

I can’t wait to bring my sister back here– she’s a sucker for products like no one I’ve ever met, and I know this is a place she will ADORE.

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I mean, SERIOUS PASSION EYES, amiright?

Dreaming of that sink for my kitchen.


To visit:
Follain, 53 Dartmouth Street, South End, Boston