hello, how are you?

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Was it just last weekend that my beloved summer was still here? My official summer at least, seems to have come and gone out of nowhere– here one minute and practically up and disappeared the next! I did most everything that my heart set out to do. So much sweet I can still taste it, just a bit, on the tip of my tongue, but it’s fading fast and I’m trying to find the heart to let my hold on it go. Fall is not my favorite, but as it creeps in I’ll try my best to embrace it. There is beauty in every season, after all.

And also!

School is here! Or practically, anyway. I’ve spent this ENTIRE week in my classroom from sun up to sun down, doing this, putting away that. Crayons, and pencils, and BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS. I get so into what I’m doing while I’m in my little room that I hardly ever even stop to take a sip of water let alone glance at my phone. It’s been glorious, really. Life without instagram exists! Who knew?!

Only there was this one point today where I did remember OH RIGHT, I have a blog! And so much to say! And suddenly, just as quick as summer begins and ends, I felt the need to write something down— to start telling my story again and the places I’ve lived and loved along the way.

So here’s a hello and how are you?

I hope your summer’s been well and that things on your end are fine.

I’ve been busy (oh so busy!), but I’m here now, and I’m glad for it.


Photo taken by my sister in Martha’s Vineyard
A place I’ll tell you more about soon! XO


  1. LOVE this beach on MV – one of my all time favorites!!! I posted pictures from my summer trip there today, too. Excited to read about all your other adventures soon!!!

  2. missed reading your posts! glad you will be back soon. hope you can get everything shipshape for your new school year! xx

  3. I’ll trade you New England fall for Alabama never-ending summer any day of the week, my friend. How does a heat index of 115 sound to you?

  4. I always think of you as a fall girl! Probably because you look so dang cute in scarves. By the end of July, I’m ready for cooler weather. But I’ve always had a hard time sticking with one thing for very long.

  5. Whoo! I’ve been excited to see this “i’m back around!” post from you. Can’t wait to see some posts from you this fall – your summer IG’s looked so fun + fulfilling! Much love to you, my dear.

  6. Yay! I’m glad you are back and happy as a clam! Can’t wait to read more about your adventures! My summer has not really seemed like that much of a summer because I’ve still had work, but I have been to the beach several times–this past weekend, actually!–and I still have more vacation up ahead, so I’m not worried about it. I’m actually incredibly ready for fall, I just can’t stand it. Bring on the fallen leaves and cool weather!

    • I know I do feel SO LUCKY to get each summer off. It’s my time to recharge the batteries! Glad you still got to enjoy the beach a few times!

  7. I’ve missed your posts but totally understand the need for a break – there’s something freeing in not having to share everything you do with the world. To just BE where you are. I hope school is starting out well for you! Can’t wait to see some of your gorgeous pictures from Martha’s Vineyard <3

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