the truth about hats.

the truth about hats. //

The truth about hats is that you can never have too many. Scarves, too, for that matter. Never enough scarves! Never enough hats!

I never really pictured myself a hat person but the older I get the more I realize that’s exactly what I am– a girl with hats for all seasons. And although summer is the finest season in all the land, there is no better season for celebrating hats than winter. There are so many good ones out there, how could we possibly choose! It reminds me of a favorite read-aloud of mine– CAPS FOR SALE! CAPS! FIFTY CENTS A CAP!

Sigh. If only they were 50 cents. Then forget the monkeys, they could easily all be mine.



Here is my winter hat/scarf round-up, inspired by Abbie and Rachael! :)


Are you a pom-pom fanatic? I ABSOLUTELY AM.


  1. You did it! Hooray for a hat round-up!

  2. i want number four.

  3. I want to learn how to knit so I can knit myself some caps. And then I’ll make you one too *kissy face emoji*

  4. I want that target hat!!!

  5. Haha, I love this! Winter hats are so necessary and amazing. I’m a fan of pom poms too!

  6. So- I don’t own ANY pom pom hats- and I am pretty sure I need to!

  7. Number NINE! ❤️

  8. I love your choices! I have one very similar to #9. :) Adorable!

  9. can I ask what you use to make your collages? and also, i want them ALL.

    • I use pages!!! It’s such a random way to do it, but it works for me. I just place the photos into a word document and move them around and add text/shapes and then I just take a screen shot. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

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