Archives for February 22, 2015

my work with the eighty twenty.

The Eighty Twenty Magazine

This past December I worked on a special project with The Eighty Twenty, an online magazine written by and for women who ultimately want to live the best balanced life possible. I consider myself one of those woman and have enjoyed following the magazine since it’s debut last winter. I love the diversity of the site— from practical advice to personal essays, there is truly something for everyone. When Jenna came  to me last fall and asked if I would photograph the magazine’s first ever digital issue, I was thrilled. What an honor!

The magazine is finally here and it is amazing. 38 pages of essays, recipes, heath tips, and more. A true labor of love as I watched these fabulous women in action— they poured their hearts into this project and it shows.

Available for purchase here.

(You will LOVE it.)