making mayo.


It has been a solid 2 weeks since I last posted here but watch out, world. I’m about to come back with gusto.

1) I made a recipe and photographed it.

2) I broke out the Wacom Tablet.

{It’s my spring vacation and things are getting CRAY-ZY over here.}

Now I know that this post is going to totally gross some people out but I don’t even care because I’m a mayonnaise lover and I hope the whole world knows it. For me, mayo is the sauce of life. Last year when I did my first full-on whole30 I tried making my own mayo and since then I have never looked back. It is so completely easy and UNPROCESSED! And to me, it tastes better than store-bought. Win, win, win. Every time I go to make it I find myself scrolling through the internets to find the one I like best and so I decided to share it here on my blog so that you kind people can try it too, but also, and mostly, so I don’t have to search the internet any longer. Hallelujah!

Anna’s Favorite Homemade Mayo Recipe:

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1-1/4 cup of light olive oil
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon mustard powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 to 1 lemon, juiced

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1 hand blender


You could use a food-processor, also.
I’ve used my Vitamix as well but the hand blender is the easiest clean-up.

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Step one:

Place the egg, 1/4 cup of olive oil, mustard poweder, and salt into a mixing bowl. {I just put it all into the Cuisinart blender container and it works great.} Mix the ingredients til blended together.

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Step two:

While the blender is running, slowly ever so slowly drizzle in the remaining cup of olive oil. I usually add it in 1/4 cup increments until my mayo is the way I want it. {hint: it may seem thick enough after even just 1/2 a cup or so, but keep adding the full cup! If you add slowly it will continue to thicken just fine.}

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Lastly, after you’ve added all the olive oil and the mixture is thick and emulsified, add the lemon juice to taste. Stir it in slowly with a spoon or spatula to mix it in just right. I like mine lemon-y so I add the juice from the entire lemon. YUM.

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Add your mayo to a jar for long-term keeping and voila! Easy easyyyy peasy.



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Tips and tricks:

Light olive oil is important! It truly helps with the taste.

Make sure all your ingredients are at room temperature, specifically the egg and the lemon.

I pour the olive oil in SUPER SLOWLY for the right thickness.

Wait to add the lemon juice til the very end. The mixture will become less thick as you add more lemon, but for me the taste is well worth it.


ENJOY with egg or chicken salad, homemade aioli sauce, or whatever your mayo-loving heart desires!



  1. Christie says:

    LOVE this! You crack the vacationing Wymans up! Truth be told, I’ve always wanted to try making homemade mayonnaise, so there you go! xo

  2. I made mayo at a week long chef training I went to and I didn’t care for it. But it looked nothing like yours! Yours looks soooooo good, I’m going to give it another chance :)

  3. Oh, I am so intrigued! I love mayo too (and don’t care who knows it :)) and this seems easy enough to try! Thanks for sharing!

  4. YAAAAAY MAYO! Homemade mayo is just so good.

  5. those towels! i swoon. care to share where you got them?

  6. Mmm I am so making this! I have always wanted to make my own mayonnaise like Julia Child!:)

  7. Cool! This doesn’t look too hard. I have to know – where did you get those elephant towels??

  8. Sweet! I just pinned this for the next whole30. I always thought making your own mayo would be a huge annoying process, but this doesn’t look too bad.

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