
Ever since Zan and I got engaged I have been looking forward to changing my name. I love love love my old name, but I also love love love my new name, too.

Anna Winchell <– that’s the new me! Which is exactly the same as the old me. Thank goodness. :)

I knew this summer would be the perfect time for me to change it legally. Being on summer vacation means I have more free time to run extra erands. Also working it all out in the summer means I can start the school year fresh with my new name. I like how my new class doesn’t know me yet, so Mrs. Winchell won’t be hard for them to remember to say. (Although it’s still a bit strange for me to hear!)

Turns out, as it is with these things, changing your name is a pain in the butt. Legally, at least.

A friend told me that The Knot has a great guide to follow when it’s time to change your name, but even that felt a bit tedious to me. So many websites to go to to find information! So many places to stop into! The thought of it literally made my head spin.

Then I found Hitchswitch

Praise up!

For a (not too crazy, totally worth it) price they offer 2 different options to fit your budget:

Print at Home package (you fill out the forms online, print them at home, sign your name and send them in yourself) and a Full Service package (they mail you an awesome folder filled with all the forms you need (already filled out!) WITH pre-addressed pre-stamped envelopes, which was really the icing on the cake for me.

Both are worth it because you don’t have to trail around town or scour the Internet for the correct forms. Which is seriously the worst. (You do need to go to the DMV in person though (tragic) because they don’t let you do that through the mail.)

Overall it was so easy breezy. So very stress free.

My favorite part is how organized it all was. When the package came there were checklists and sticky notes with arrows where I needed to sign. Everything was placed in the order in which I should complete the forms and send in (Social Security first!). I just loved the simplicity of it all. 

Especially after the craze and prep of the best day ever? I was the busiest bee for months!

Oh yes! I’ll take allllll the simple I can get.


  1. You know what’s much simpler? Just keeping your own last name ;)

  2. Oh what a great idea! I’m still in the process of changing my name because, yes! It IS a pain in the butt! I should have done this! At least I know what to recommend from now on!

  3. Oh wow! If only this had existed (or I had known about it) back when I got married. Sitting in the Social Security office for quite some time was not a fun experience.

  4. Did you update your social media account names as part of your overall name change? The link to your Instagram account from your blog’s home page is no longer working…

  5. Christie Wyman says:

    Today’s our 24th wedding anniversary. WOO HOO! Why don’t I remember doing anything other than getting a marriage license and becoming Mrs. Wyman?

  6. I definitely do not recommend using HitchSwitch. I thought it would simplify the process and $60 later I still had to go to the SSA and DMV. They provide a basic outline of where you need to go and what documents you need, but I still needed to do almost all of the legwork myself. Unfortunately, there really isn’t a work around for government processes.

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