Archives for January 27, 2016

invincible summer.

outdoor havens outdoor havens outdoor havens

sources // one. two. three. four. five. six. seven.


I know just the other day I said I was ready for winter, but always, always I am ready for summer, too. It’s endless, honestly and I would never want it any other way. Also, I haven’t been writing on this blog much at all lately, but I am still reading them. Always, always reading.

Designlovefest has been on my reading list for a little over a year now because I’ve really been drawn to her love for color and creativity. Also her L.A. life intrigues me– it’s so drastically different than mine! Recently, she’s made a pretty noticeable shift in her content back to the basics of what’s inspiring her and I’m digging it. I like it because it’s exactly the kind of blogging I used to do when I first starting keeping an online record of things. Just inspiration. Straight up. And I love that.

Anyway. These outdoor havens are giving me total heart eyes right now. Winter may be here but that doesn’t mean I can’t dream of the pretty green hues of summer. Plus, I see that 5:00 glow slowly coming back. Happily on the upswing to the light.


// the photo links are likely a little willy nilly
on the original source front, but I tried my best.
Pinned here for more outdoor oasis viewing. :)