five good things.

5 good things.

one// My Grey’s Anatomy obsession has picked up exactly where it left off 3+ years ago. I am deep in the midst of season ten and find myself loving the characters just the same as always. When I was in grad school I watched a span of 7 seasons in approximately 3 months– a true marathon if there ever was one, and then one day, I just stopped. I blame a few things for this pause in my dedication to one of the greatest shows on television. First, one of my favorite characters up and died on me ! (no real surprise there of course, my favorite characters always die), but also, I caught up in real time, and waiting one week to watch another episode is NO way to watch a show if you ask me. I had to wait good and long for the ability to truly binge watch, but I waited the wait and it was all worth it for this streak I have going on currently. I wonder who will have the next untimely death? Don’t tell me! I want my tears to come as I watch and not a minute too soon.

two // February vacation is in 1 week! Thank the sweet Lord. This time of year is honestly my favorite for teaching {we are so in the thick of it!} but nothing is better than vacation. Simply nothing! I am still deciding what to do with the front end of my week, but the tail end I’ll be in Vermont skiing and lounging and loving the mountain life. Wheee!

three // Do you know about The Crafter’s Box? Zan gifted it to me for Christmas and it is so amazing. Basically once a month you receive a box in the mail with all the supplies and instructions for making the most awesome craft. The first month was a Rya Weaving from my favorite Maryanne Moodie and this month it’s hanging planters + air plants from Emily Reinhardt of The Object Enthusiast! Both serious artists I admire, both crafts I am so excited about. If you want to sign up I believe there are still a few openings for February. If not get on the list for March! I am so excited to see what the new craft will be.

four // I have loved the blog elephantine for a number of years now. I love the easy way of it and it always makes me so happy to see a post pop up in my reader. Rachel has an online shop Mignon which is the most wonderful collection of items I have ever seen. I have been adding things to my cart for awhile now and I think it’s finally time to pay up and receive some happy mail. Go check it out! You will love it too.

five// That puppy. ♥ I seriously cannot get enough of her. She loves to hop up on all the chairs and couches and push the pillows off to make room for herself. This is one of my favorite photos yet.


  1. Hi Anna! Well, this is a happy post indeed! I’ve noticed you’re posting more, and I love hearing your news. Great dog – wicked cute and funny! Happy weekend!

    • Thank you! Yes, I am trying to post more. I love this space and I love having a place to look back to for all my memories!


  2. It’s so great to see you writing consistently again. Your blog has always been on my favorite reads list! Hope you keep it up…and I’m completely interested in the crafter’s box. How fun!!

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