21 weeks in the fall…

21 weeks!

Another week done, 19 weeks to go! This weekend my sister and I drove home to New York to go to my cousin Virginia’s baby shower. She is due at the end of December and it was so nice to see family and fun to see how she’s growing and celebrating. She is having a little girl too! So much fun. Who runs the world?? GIRLS. :)

I thought I would do a pregnancy update this week quiz-style. I have seen some of these on other blogs and always thought they were fun to read, so here we go!

What fruit are you? // This week the baby is roughly as long as a carrot. Around 12.7 ounces and 10.5 inches. My favorite app has been The Bump app, for sure. I love their articles and weekly updates!

Due date // February 26, 2017

How far along // 21 weeks!

Gender // GIRL

Total weight gain/loss // Last week at my 20 week ulstrasound I had not gained any weight yet! Thinking maybe this week I gained a pound or two? Feeling lucky so far but definitely getting ready to put on some LBS.

Exercise // I have been doing prenatal yoga since I was about 10 weeks pregnant. I found a studio close to my house and love going once or twice a week. So relaxing and I hope it helps keep me at ease through the rest of my pregnancy and also during labor and delivery. (Eeeek. Such a scary thought.)

Stretch marks // Not yet, and hopefully never. I think I read this is hereditary, though, so if it happens so be it. My friend Moe told me about this cream and this oil so I ordered both and having been using them after my showers which I hope will help if possible.

Swelling // No swelling yet, either.

Maternity clothes // Yes, I am starting to wear lots of dresses and I also got a pair of jeans that I really love. I am wearing a few maternity shirts at this point, too.

Sleep // I am sleeping well, which I also feel happy about. I’m sleeping mostly on my side and am thinking about ordering one of those long pregnancy pillows soon. Everyone I know who has had a baby recently as told me that they are magic so I feel I need to get one for the weeks/months ahead.

Food cravings //  Nothing really, just still drinking whole milk by the gallon every few days. :)

Symptoms //  I honestly have hardly had any symptoms during this pregnancy. For the first few months I had a hard time believing there was actually a baby inside me. Ha! I did have sore boobs at the beginning, but that is honestly about it. No sickness! Praise UP!

Movement // Yes! Feeling kicks this week and Zan has even been able to feel some too!

What I miss //  Wegmans turkey subs and beer when everyone else is drinking it.

What I’m loving // All the well wishes from friends and family.

What I’m looking forward to // I’m honestly looking forward to seeing how my body changes. Such a crazy thing to be growing a human inside of me. I feel so lucky and want to try my best to savor it.

Best moment this week // I shared my news with my second graders on Friday and also sent a letter to the parents. The kids were really excited! And some of their comments were so funny!

Words of wisdom // I love this quote I read this week and want to remember it always:

The most important thing she’d learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.
– Jill Churchill


  1. I was fascinated by all things pregnancy and babies before medical school, but I have to say, it’s all so much more fun now that I have some hands-on experience from the doctor side of things. :) I’m so excited for you guys as you get further along the baby path!

  2. You’re glowing! So happy for you, Anna. It’s such a special time! xoxo

  3. Elizabeth says:

    You look wonderful Anna!

  4. Congrats Anna! I love following along on your journey – I’m also pregnant (eeek!) and it was so nice to read that I wasn’t the only one with barely any symptoms, it made me second guess everything!

    Random question – where is your lovely dress from? I’m on the hunt for some comfy, soft knit dresses like this to wear!


  5. anna! i love all of this. also, i have a pregnancy pillow (the kind that wraps around your neck too, not just the straight one). it was sent to me and is not used at all anymore! how can we rendezvous so i can pass it off to you?!

    so so so happy for you.

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