life in film // 01

FILM 01 // dearfriendblog FILM 01 // dearfriendblogFILM 01 // dearfriendblogFILM 01 // dearfriendblogFILM 01 // dearfriendblog FILM 01 // dearfriendblog FILM 01 // dearfriendblogFILM 01 // dearfriendblog FILM 01 // dearfriendblogFILM 01 // dearfriendblog

“Creative Overnight Vol. Two”
The Graham and Co. + Phonecia Diner
Phonecia, New York
August, 2014

Fuji Film Superia X-TRA400


I’m so excited to present these photos– the first in a film series I’m starting here on the blog. In August, while home for a weekend to visit family, I found my old 35mm Pentax K1000, straight from my photo elective taking high school days. Gloriously, it still worked {turns out the battery– a silver oxide battery– can last Y E A R S!} and so I hurried to Ralins, the old film store in Syracuse {still up and running to my delight} to buy myself a pack of Fuji film. I’ve had the best time testing out the camera– loading the film, hearing the “CLICK!”, waiting {and waiting} to see the images I tried to capture. Oh, the wonder of it all!

I’ve gotten three rolls developed from the summer, and have a few more waiting to be dropped off at the nearby film processing center. Turns out, through a bit of trial and error, places that develop film are few and far between. I’ve found a few companies online, but the pictures above were developed at a photo shop in Waltham, which only develops once a week on Saturdays. Most places like CVS send film away to be developed, so I was happy to find a specific photo store in my area that does the work in shop.

I don’t know if there are many readers out there with an interest in film photography, but it never hurts to ask a few questions in case you have any knowledge to share:

1// Do you have any favorite film recommendations? Does it matter so much the film I get? I started out with Fuji 400 to play it safe, and because I’m familiar with it, but I’m definitely up for trying different films if there are others out there that people enjoy working with.

2// Do you have any favorite film developing shops? In Boston or to send away to? I hope to someday try Indie Film Lab, recommended to me by a photog friend {I love the look and mission of the company}, but right now it’s a little pricey especially when most of what I’m doing is experimenting! Helping out a local business feels right and good for now, but I’m interested in other places too if you know of any!


These photos are unedited, and I hope to keep the whole series that way, save for a little bit of lightening I did on just a few. It’s fun to keep them “natural” since most of the time I’m doing some heavy editing via instagram and this blog. I think the color and depth to these photos just goes to show– film photography is still amazing! Anyway, I hope you like them! More are coming soon! :)

shop: FOLLAIN // boston.

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Last night I had the best night out at Follain in Boston’s South End. Tara {owner!}, my friend Natalie, and the rest of the team hosted the perfect event for local bloggers– with prosecco, snacks, and the best kind of beauty products— the wholesome kind!

I had so much fun hearing the story behind the business, talking about how beauty translates to health, and also trying out some of the new products that have recently come to the shop. Just this month they’ve got 40 new items, which is amazing and fantastic, as they’re aiming to have a safe, healthy replacement for every beauty product you own. After hearing Tara’s passion for natural and sustainable beauty products you could easily say I’m sold on the Follain movement. I came home with a bag full of goodies— deodorant, dry shampoo, oil cleanser, new face powder and blush– ready to conquer the world!

Thank you, Tara, for inviting us in!

53 Dartmouth Street
Boston, MA 02116

{In Nantucket and Wellesley, too!}

Not a local? You can shop online HERE. ♥


P.S. I have posted about this gem
before, but Follain is too good and
these pictures were worth a share. :)

visiting ground zero.

ground zeroground zeroground zeroground zero

I have been to New York so many times since September 11, 2001. And yet, this was my first visit here— to this memorial, to this space. It’s hard for me to find the words to describe it, or muster up the courage to write publicly about my feelings, except to say that being there was powerful and important and terribly, terribly sad.

Two reflecting pools, with their enormous expanse and cascading waters are the footprints of where the towers once stood. Below is a museum, dedicated to those who lost their lives and to the heroes who gave everything they had to save others. It was hard to be there, but important to me, too.

We wanted to go and pay our respects to the victims and the heroes of that day. I wanted to post these pictures as a tribute, to remember,

To spread kindness and compassion and love—


welcome to new york.

new york city --

“Walking through a crowd, the village is aglow
Kaleidoscope of loud heartbeats under coats
Everybody here wanted something more
Searching for a sound we hadn’t heard before

And it said
Welcome to New York

It’s been waiting for you
Welcome to New York, Welcome to New York.”


Alternately titled: My Mom’s Retirement Trip!

Ahh, retirement! Such a beautiful thing, I can only imagine!! And although I’m light years away from experiencing it myself, my mom is in the thick of it! What bliss. When summer was upon us, my sister and I were all up for helping her celebrate. My mom chose the place– New York City– and naturally I was excited from the very beginning. We decided to go for for a few week days in August. I set us up with an adorable AirBnB in the West Village {SWOON!}, scoured Pinterest for all the greatest, and we hopped on the train and took off! Three glorious days, three ladies in the city.

Here’s the rundown on day ONE:

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The first day we arrived in the city around lunch time. We took an Uber from Grand Central Station straight to our little street in the West Village. It was the perfect street in the perfect location.

Look at those doors! Look at that European-esque hallway! It was all just too good.

And the apartment!

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Our place was so cozy and just the right size for the three of us {a queen bed and a pull out couch}. Small, but that’s all we needed!

{ If you’re looking to stay in NY, let me know and I’ll send you the AirBnB link to the place! Very highly recommended and the location can’t be beat! :) }

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Right away we walked the streets of the neighborhood. I have blogged about the West Village before and I still think it’s ABSOLUTE MAGIC. We had lunch at Tartine, a little french bakery bistro right on the corner W 11th St and West 4th Street. Usually I come to New York for a day, or for a weekend, which is all wonderful and good, but also always so so busy. A jam-packed-full-of-action-don’t-stop-for-a-minute kind of experience! It was so nice to be able to sit and know that this city was ours to soak in, enjoy and explore, even if just for a little while.

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Magnolia’s Bread Pudding = ONE THOUSAND YUMS.

Oh my dear, this is not the only time we would eat this during the trip!

{Bread Pudding for breakfast, anyone?}

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The shops in this area of New York are endless, and perfectly unique. My favorites were Sockerbit {sweedish candy!}, Goorin Bros. hat shop {I wanted that one in the photo, but decided in the end to leave it on the shelf!} and Greenwich Letterpress {because, PAPER. Forever paper.}. Every store is so different and it’s fun to step inside them all!

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After all the wandering, we headed into Washington Square Park, where summer in the city was most definitely in full swing. New York might not have the lakes or oceans, but they do have live music, plenty of great people watching, and fountains {if you’re into that sort of thing}.

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I love this photo so much. Bleeker Street in all it’s glory.

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We ate at Rosemary’s in Greenwich Village for dinner on a recommendation from a friend. The rooftop garden was wonderful and the atmosphere was just what I was looking for. I love a place with bistro lights and this place had it all. An emphasis on fresh homegrown herbs and produce {SO INTO IT} The homemade focaccia bread and homemade pasta were great highlights, too. Traveling is half about the adventure, and half about the AMAZING FOOD!

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Gah, I love New York! And these two beauties, too!