Canto 6, Jamaica Plain

CANTO 6, Jamaica Plain

I’d like to say I stumbled upon Canto 6 one day, out of the blue, out of nowhere. I’d like to say that I was walking down the street, looking down at my phone like I sometimes do, or up at the sky breathing summer in, and that the smells from this small but perfect bakery caught me by surprise and that I aimlessly wandered in. But that’s not the way it happened. The way it happened is that I gloriously traveled to San Francisco awhile back {you may remember} and that Zan and I searched out Tartine Bakery {because of the recommendations!} and that I posted an instagram of the goodness, and that someone commented that I should try Canto 6, a hidden gem in JP, right in my very own Boston.

And so it happened that I did try Canto 6. I looked it up one day that I was in Jamaica Plain– went back into my sea of instagrams to find the photo, find the comment, just so I could find the bakery.

And you should find it, too.

Perfect pastries, sweet and delicious. An original that’s not to be missed.


Canto 6

3346 Washington Street
Jamaica Plain, Ma 02130


rooftop magic.

rooftop magic // dearfriendblog.comrooftop magic // dearfriendblog.comrooftop magic // dearfriendblog.comrooftop magic //rooftop magic //rooftop magic //rooftop magic //rooftop magic //rooftop magic //rooftop magic //rooftop magic //

A picnic on the roof last night enjoying the sunset overlooking the city.

I don’t know if a better evening exists.

It was the perfect temperature, warm, but breezy, filled with delicious food and drinks, and friends that always make me smile.

I had a really long day yesterday. Doing this and doing that, driving here and driving there. Traffic e v e r y w h e r e. The one upside to being busy is when the day is through and all the doing is done you really feel like something spectacular. And last night was SPECTACULAR. Natalie and I headed over to Rachael’s for a little summer soiree on the roof. We climbed through her office window and made our way up the slanted shingles until we arrived at the tip top– a wide open space with the most amazing views of the city. I brought a blanket and some pastries, Natalie brought some wine and cheese. Rachael supplied the crackers and the view. And Joe! Dear Joe kept us cozy with sweaters and candles and drinks– the tastiest I’ve had in awhile.

Last night was the perfect way to end a day. Real rooftop magic — the sweet summer kind. 

sweet summer // a love letter.

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Sweet summer.

My favorite time of year, hands down, without a doubt. The breeze is good and the sun and the trees have this shadow play that makes walking through the city like something out of a fairy tale. Spots of sunshine everywhere you look– the most glorious Monday I’ve had in awhile. This summer, like every summer, I’m doing a little babysitting in the city. It’s something I look forward to each year because it gets me out and about, and puts a little spending money in my pocket. Today we walked to not one, but two parks with lunch at the Buttery, too! Not a bad start, I say. Let the fun begin.

Bike rides and farmer’s markets.

Ice cream making and hammock swinging.

Beach days and backyard nights.

Peppermint patties out of the fridge!

This summer is going to be a busy one and I have lots of plans to do all the things. I can’t wait to read all the books, and watch all the Party of Five my heart desires, and finish telling all there is to tell about our West Coast Adventure. I also can’t wait for when the days are hotter than hot just so I can bask in my bikini in the sweltering heat of my un-air conditioned apartment soaking in the glory of it all. I will enjoy every minute of every day of this sweet season of bliss.

LONG LIVE JUNE AND JULY, and August you’re meant to be mine.

almost summer.


Although summer hasn’t officially started for me yet, it’s so close I can taste it. Three and a half more days of school and I’ll be doing my Nannerdance all the way to fall. The past few weekends I have been everywhere! From Nantucket to Maine, Cape Cod to the North Shore. New England is the best place for a spring and summer lover, I am sure of it.

I have a lot to do over the next few days, closing up shop at school, finishing all my paperwork, and saying a farewell to my kids. I will get emotional on the last day of the school year, I just know it, I always do. This year has been extra special because it was my first year at a new place– a place I’ve slowly grown to love, one that finally feels like home. I had a really good year and I’m so proud of the work I’ve put into my students, and even more so, proud of the work they’ve given back. I’m ending the year in a great place, which makes it hard to say goodbye, but happy, too.

This weekend (today!) I’m heading up to Maine to spend time celebrating little Cooper’s first birthday. Cooper’s mom Hannah is one of my best college friends and I just can’t wait to get up there and love on them all. I have plans to leave early so I can make a few stops on the way. Gus and Ruby and More and Co. are just a few on my list of sweet spots, and Portsmouth and Portland are both as sweet as New England towns get.

What are your favorite spots in Maine? I’d love to hear about the places you 

Happy weekend to you! Happy almost summer!