the little island that could.

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It was a warm day in August when we woke up before the sun. We’d picked out our clothes the night before, charged the cameras, packed the sunblock— It was a warm day in August when we headed out of Chatham chasing the darkness, excitedly looking for the light. In Hyannis we boarded the ferry, all 6 of us. We buzzed out of town on the breeze, soaking in sun rays and breathing in that salty Cape Cod air. Do you know what kind of ride it was? It was bright and breezy, with a little bit of coffee and a good amount of excitement. I love going back to places that I’ve been. Places that were good to me and places that I love.

OH yes, this is surely one of those places— This is Nantucket, the little island that could.

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Scooters were a MUST for our trip, and the reason we were able to do so many things and see so many places, since we didn’t have a car. We started at Brant Point Lighthouse, which is right around the spot where the ferry pulls in and out of the island. Zan always says that if you throw a penny off the side of the boat you’ll be guaranteed another return. Good thing last summer I was all out of pennies— had to throw a quarter in, so I’m all set for awhile!

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After scooting through town for a bit, we headed out to Madaket where we hit up Millie’s Market for some morning snacks on the way to the beach {warm blue water GLORY!}. We watched the beach goers, did a bit of digging for sand crabs, and just straight up took some time to revel in the beauty of it all. G O R G E O U S !

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From there we rode out to Cisco Brewery for lunch and bevys and after that we continued on to the quaint and near picture perfect ‘Sconset, where we spent some time roaming the streets and even running into old friends! You never know who you’ll run into in Nantucket– for me it’s someone different every single year. Who might it be next time? Isn’t that the fun of it? Only time will tell…

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Sankaty Light isn’t far from ‘Sconset, and it was on the way back to town, so we decided to visit for one last tourist hit of the day, and believe me, not one of us was sorry— That lighthouse is the real deal. Also, I always happen to come here in the late afternoon, just as the sun is starting to creep to the west. It’s lovely this time of day, with the sky so vast and beautiful and blue.

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Oh, what a day. What a day, WHAT A DAY.

We walked the town as the sun sank down, eating good food and thinking back on our day together. That warm day in August, I’ll never forget, was absolutely one the best of the year. That warm day in August we left Nantucket embracing the darkness, remembering the beauty of the light. We boarded the ferry and buzzed out of town on the breeze, soaking in the stars and breathing in the memories. Oh how I love going back to places that I’ve been. Places that were good to me and places that I love.

This is Nantucket, the “Grey Lady of the Sea”. This is the little island that could. ♥

new print // “the rain”

the oh hellos print

I made this pretty photo from my instagram feed into a new print.

{thanks for the encouragement.}

You can listen to the song {a favorite} here.

And buy my print here.


{Please link back to my blog or shop if you pin this image or use it on your own site.}

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I have been humming this song in my head for weeks. It’s one of those feel good melodies that you can just take with you wherever you go. When I listen in the car, I press the back button at least three times, each time, maybe more. I just love the words. So reassuring, I always think.

Sunday I strolled through Beacon Hill in the rain. I went out to brunch with friends, one of those, I-could-have-stayed-all-day brunches. You know the kind— so good for the soul. And then, I walked through the rain some more. I don’t usually love the rain, but I did on Sunday. On Sunday, the rain was beautiful.

I hope you had a beautiful day, too.

a happy list.


I’m going to take a second here to admit that work has been hard for me lately. I love my new school and I love my class, but being new has been overwhelming and also a little bit stressful. I remember this from when I started at my old school 3 years ago. It’s the the getting used to it all— the paperwork, the meetings, the proving yourself. It’s stressful and it’s tiring and it’s just the way it is. I remember it from then and I’m reminded of it now. Change is hard, but change is also good. I was texting with my friend Elizabeth a few weeks ago and the best way for me to describe it to her was that school is “hard, and kicking me in the butt— but it will make me better.” And that’s just the honest to goodness truth. New is sometimes hard, but having to work hard is never a bad thing, and so I will soldier on {and laugh at those littles every day in the process— they are still the funniest, no question about it}.

Anyways! Tonight I made a happy list:

1. Today we went to The Topsfield Fair {where I took the photo above}. Lots of people, lots of food, lots of good old fashioned fall fun. It was my very first time, and a good one at that. Places like this always remind me of the best of the best (in my humble opinion)— The Great New York State Fair. I’m smiling a big one just thinking about all my memories from past summers at home. Saltwater Taffy! Chocolate milk! THE BUTTER SCULPTURE. If a state fair isn’t where childhood dreams are made, then I don’t know where is.

2. My print is selling like CRAZY. Woohoo! There’s been a little bit of behind the scenes drama about improper sourcing, but there’s also been so many people reaching out {friends, strangers} to find where the print originated {which is HERE! ON THIS BLOG!} and so that’s been terrific. I think I need to start making more prints of the same kind. You know, more quotes overlaying some of my photographs– like I post on instagram sometimes… what do you think?

3. I went to NYC last weekend. BEST. ALWAYS. I stayed with my friend Rebecca in Brooklyn {LOVE} and had lunch with Colleen and Laura {DOUBLE LOVE}. I was there for only 24 hours, but filled my hours {and heart} {and instagram feed} to the brim. Sharing some fancy cam photos soon! New York City is my favorite.

4. Tomorrow I’m having brunch with friends. I know this isn’t something too exciting to share, except for that it is. First off, I don’t go to brunch that often, and second of all, I love these friends. So, win win. Oh happy day.

5. A new blog design is in the works. Oh my goodness I’m so excited about it. I’ve gotten one part finished {with this girl’s help. EEEEEeeee!} and one part I’m still figuring out, but we’re making progress over here. Totally vague and you hate me for it, except that you’re going to LOVE IT! Because I love it. Or I’m going to love it. When it’s ready!


That’s the happy for me lately, what’s the happy for you?


{font by Kyle Steed + made with Over.}

cape cod 2013

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We’re going to jump back to summer again for a hot minute! Hope you don’t mind! Life as been busy lately. Good, but so busy, and so this blog has been neglected a bit in the interim. School is going well (that’s the BUSY part of the situation) and fall has been great (it’s been crazy WARM! JOY!), an Indian summer at it’s finest, so I kind of don’t feel weird at all posting these photos. They’re from August, but whatever.

Beach pics are welcome at any point in the year, right?

{Say right, because I’ve got Nantucket photos hiding in the wings, too.}

Here is a little glimpse into our week on Cape Cod…

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Oh, it was as sweet as summer gets, and I love this Cape Cod tradition of ours. We went with my parents to Chatham for the week (our 7th year and counting…), but this year my friend Mo and her husband Travis were vacationing there as well. How lucky! We spent most every day with each other, doing this and that, just loving summer and being together.

These photos are some of my favorite, I think. Such a simple kind of lovely, that Cape Cod is. Looking forward to next year’s trip already.