two days in lake placid…

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While I was home in August for a week, my mom, sister, and I decided to take a last minute girls trip up to Lake Placid, New York. Some family in Syracuse had been talking about taking the trip up for a summer lacrosse tournament (lacrosse is VERY BIG in our family— my sister and I are the only ones who never played!), and the mention of the Adirondacks suddenly got us nostalgic for it. We used to spend summers up in Lake Placid, back in our figure skating days. Did you know I used to be a figure skater? For real, I was! Spins and jumps and costumes and all. OH, the good old days.

This town is one of the prettiest places around. So much to see and do! Here are some photos from our two days in Lake Placid and Keene…

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Seriously beautiful, right? Every time I visit I love it even more…

The lucky part for us is that a few of our cousins live in Lake Placid currently (I have a lot of cousins, in case you’re wondering! 15 first cousins on my dad’s side alone!), and my Aunt Holly lives in a town a few miles down the road called Keene. She owns the most gorgeous house looking over the mountains AND has additional land with cabins for guests. Really, the most amazing thing! We had such a nice time staying with  her–she’s a fabulous cook (she co-owns a few restaurants in town with my cousin Phoebe) and we enjoyed drinks and dinner with some of her close friends the night we stayed over. The perfect getaway.


Below are a list of some of my favorite things to see and do in Lake Placid should you ever plan a trip! {Also, I got your email, Lauren! THIS IS FOR YOU!}

To eat:

Big Mountain Deli and Creperie
Simply Gourmet

{the above places are run by my aunt and cousin—
both are amazing, and not just because they’re my family!}

Liquids and Solids
Steak and Seafood

To stay:

Golden Arrow {affordable, right in town, on the water!}
Schultes Family Lodge {cabins!}
Mirror Lake Inn {fancy!}

To play:

Walk Main Street {lots of shops and the creperie is here!}
Visit the Olympic Rinks {Miracle on ICE!}
Walk around Mirror Lake
Take a bobsled ride
Go on a gondola to the top of Little Whiteface

And SO MUCH MORE here.

holding onto summer.

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Today is a near perfect end of summer/beginning of fall day. It’s sunny, and warm, but with just enough chill that jeans are in the “to wear” pile. I like that. All summer long I can’t even imagine the thought of putting on jeans— too hot, too uncomfortable. Hot and uncomfortable is kind of my favorite, though, so I like that, too. I like the idea of walking around in short shorts and a loose tank, sweat dripping from the creases of my arms and legs. There’s something glorious about it, even if a bit uncomfortable.

Jeans are also my favorite. And a coolish breeze on a warmish day.

So I’m in flux. Stuck between my goodbye to summer and my hello to fall. And right now, I’m okay with it. It’s a good place to be, I’ve realized.


These photos have little to do with this post, except for the fact that they are my tie to summer, my tie to home. I was lucky enough to spend a whole 10 days in New York this August. 10 DAYS of blue skies and puffy white clouds over shining waters. I’ll be posting more photos of my time on vacation over the next few days– they’ve been sitting on my computer for awhile and it’s about high time I share them. Also, I think in a way I’m holding onto summer through them— I’m living in the fall but keep peaking back. A fine way to ease into the season, I say. A fine way indeed.



A seven year old boy read this aloud today during a book share in my second grade class. He’s an incredible kid— observant, bright, thoughtful. I know what you’re thinking, what I was most certainly thinking, as soon as I heard it. A seven year old picked out that to read to his peers? {He did, yes, and so I embraced it.} It was actually a prayer from a book on WWII {found scratched onto a wall in a German concentration camp}, but it still made me pause and think and remember. Because of today and all that it was, is, will be. We had a small discussion about what happened that morning. It was 5 years before these littles were even born, but I still remember it like it was yesterday.

Just thought I’d place the words here on a page.

Because I’m still remembering, always remembering, in an ever constant hope for those “somedays”.


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Brimfield! Oh my goodness!

I have been wanting to come to Brimfield for a long, long time and it just so happened, in a very last-minute-decision sort of way, that this weekend was the weekend and today was the day. Can you just imagine for a second, miles upon miles of tents filled with all the things you’ve ever dreamed up {in terms of antiques go} and thousands of other things you haven’t even thought about? Well this is IT.

WELCOME TO BRIMFIELD, the largest outdoor antique fair on EARTH!

{dramatic enough?}

Please enjoy these photos I snapped today while walking the fair with my friend Sarah {thank you Sarah for the ones of me!}. We had a great time looking over all the treasures, and we didn’t even have time to see half of it… guess that means we’ll just have to plan a return!

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Seriously, wow.

So much to look at! It really is quite a show. There were lots of little knick-knacks I would have loved to have taken home, but I’m trying to stay away from clutter + some of the items can be pretty pricey {just an fyi, there ARE also a lot of really great deals, too!}. There were gorgeous dining room tables that caught my eye and a few desks and big armoir-like pieces that I loved. If only I had a house to furnish. SWEET DREAMING. I came away with one wooden crate {pictured above} and a ladder, which I plan to paint then lean against a wall and hang blankets over the rungs, so I’m excited about that.

Also, the apple cider donut that I ate/inhaled MIGHT have gotten me the tiniest bit excited for fall.


Hooray for Brimfield! THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH!


Other sweet antique fairs
I’ve been to + blogged about:
Brooklyn Flea
Davis Flea