for the love

Oh, the lake. You precious body of water, you. I’d like to live by you forever.


Growing up in Upstate New York, we didn’t really have ready access to the ocean. Not like we do in Boston, anyway. If you wanted to go to the beach, the real live beach, you had to go on vacation for it. We may not have had the sand, the salt water, or the sea, but I liked what we had even better. We had a lake. A fresh water, breezy air, glorious, most beautiful lake.

I believe all people are either ocean people or lake people. You might like both {I do}, but one or the other stands out as your favorite. I am most definitely a lake person, so imagine my happiness when this is where we ended up after Zan’s cousin’s wedding last weekend. Here, at this perfect little lake tucked inside Connecticut…

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I got to spend the whole weekend with Zan’s extended family some of whom I’ve met before, some of who I was meeting for the very first time, all of which I LOVE. We kayaked and swam and swam and swam. We ate hot dogs and drank beer and swam some more. The sun was shining and the temperature was just right and everything about it all just made me smile inside. Still smiling now even. I just loved it.

The wedding was fun {hooray, love!}, but the lake was even better. The highlight of my weekend, for sure.

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Beautiful, isn’t it? Makes me 100 times more excited to be home at my own most favorite lake SO SOON!

Lakes forever. And ever and ever.




A second post today, WHAT. Lucky yous.

Joining in Jenna’s link-up today because I love it…


Song // For You, Tin Sparrow

Book // The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

Quote // Life’s Width, Diane Ackerman

Look // Denim on Denim, at Madewell


Happy Friday, friends.

the oh hellos.

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Do you know The Oh Hellos? Last night I went to their small, fairly intimate and really amazing concert. Besides their music being SO GOOD I just loved how they were obviously all having so much fun up on stage. You can just tell they really love what they do. And they are pretty great at it.

If you do know them and love them, tell me! We are obviously kindreds.

And if not then you can go ahead and have a listen here:

Every single song is great and I always just press play on the whole list and enjoy {and they played every single one last night which was the best}, but I love Cold is the Night and Hello My Old Heart the most, and my friend Bridget’s fave is The Valley. All good though, all good!


Thanks for taking this picture for me, Bridget!
Power to the tall people of the world!

my pretty friend and her fabulous wedding.

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This wedding. Oh, this wedding.

It was easily one of my favorites {I say that about every wedding, I know.} but this one really was spectacular. Sure, it was a beautiful night and also, it definitely took place in the most GORGEOUS setting, but most of all, it was my friend that made it so lovely. Doesn’t she look amazing? {YES.} LOVE HER DRESS LIKE CRAZY. The ceremony was held at Columbia University {where the bride and groom both went to college} and from there we danced the night away at the Loeb Boathouse in Central Park. It was grand to say the least.

Kolbe is one of those people who you just feel lucky to know. Always laughing, always smiling, she brings such an energy to life. Such a special place in my heart for this girl!

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We love you, Kolbe and Andrew!

And keep smiling big, friend! You deserve every last bit of happiness! ♥♥