snapshots // {mostly} denver edition.

Friends! Hi!

I’m trying to find my place. Coming back from a jam-packed-crazy-amazing weekend away is always hard, and this time, especially, I’m finding the transition to be full of all sorts of feelings– most all of them good {excitment! inspiration! friendship!}, but also some less so {take me baack! O V E R W H E L M E D!}.

Basically, I had the best time. THE BEST. And now I’m just trying to soak it in and wrap my head around it all.

{Also, I’m trying to figure out how to share all my photos in less than five blog posts. {just kidding.} {sort of!} }


P.S. Tomorrow! A playlist!

good for the soul.

And I’m off!!

My first trip ever to Denver and the weather and company are going to be GLORIOUS. I’ve got my camera charged and my suitcase packed. A book for the plane and a new playlist for jammin’. Yesterday in the car I could not stop smiling I was so excited. Today I’m practically jumping for JOY.

The happiest of happy weekends to you. ALL OF YOU!


P.S. While I’m away, check out my interview over on Ren’s blog
I had so much fun answering her questions!

a baby shower for my friend.



Tiny clothes!


This past weekend I made the short trek up to Maine for my friend Hannah’s baby shower. It was so nice to get out of the city for awhile, and even nicer still to be celebrating the coming of new life. Hannah and I met our sophomore year in college, became fast friends, and spent the majority of our time together the rest of our young and crazy college days. I feel extra lucky to have stayed such close friends with her as the years pass us by and I am SO glad I was able to be there to celebrate her tiny still-in-the-oven baby Magee. All in all, such a happy day.

Hannah, I am over the moon excited for you. I KNOW you are going to be an absolutely amazing mom. I love you, friend and I can’t even wait to meet him!

{p.s. that knit blanket + sweater/hat/mitten set? H’s mom has got some SURRRIOUS skills. Lessons, please!!}


The baby’s room colors are orange and gray, so I got my gift for Hannah here.

Also, because OF COURSE, books. Lots and lots of books, but my most favorite here.


And for fun, one of my favorite posts ever
{small pictures and all}

#loveboston #bostonstrong

{Original artwork by Zachary Smith via instagram}

Once again, I am okay. I am locked up in my home and I am safe.

This is all I have the energy for today. This week has left me tired and weary in ways I can’t explain, and right now I just want my city back. Thank you, Boston PD for your tireless efforts to help this city + its people during the completely mind boggling events that have unfolded here this week. When it’s all over, and I believe {and hope} that it will be soon, we will celebrate your courage and perseverance forever.

You are heros.

Forever THANK YOU.