snapshots // currently…

Just a few things about life lately:

T H I N K I N G  A B O U T : my seventh snow day today. SEVENTH! The part of me that grew up in Syracuse, NY thinks Boston is being a big ginormous wimp. The part of me that loves summer vacation is getting stressed and disappointed. The part of me that enjoys sleeping in thinks these days off are not so bad. Mostly, I’m just going with it. Telling myself that time off in the summer is a luxury that not everyone gets. And that school in June is hardly school at all at that point. More like one fun, sunshine-y party with a bunch of seven year olds that love you to the moon. I can handle that for sure. I always get weary of letting the littles go at the end anyways. They make their way into my heart and I always feel like I want to keep them.

R E A D I N G : The Count of Monte Cristo. It’s only my 3rd book this year, so I’m slacking for sure. My goal is 25, which means I’ve got to get moving on the reading front, but this book is crazy long and was a little hard to get into. It’s picking up, so I’m confident I’ll finish it– and I’m motivated to keep going with all the great recommendations I got from friends + bloggers. Have you ever read it? What did you think?

L I S T E N I N G  T O : A lot of The Shins radio on Pandora. Also, Ingrid Michaelson radio never lets me down. Are you a Pandora listener? It’s my favorite because it introduces me to so much new music that I would never have found on my own. I’m hoping to make a spring playlist soon to share on the blog. Something upbeat + happy to put a little skip in your step.

W A T C H I N G : Girls. I just love it with all my heart.

W O R K I N G  O N : Knitting. I was able to get some good practice at casting on and learned how to knit and purl with the help of my cousin last weekend. Haley is a serious knitter and she came to Boston {with her little baby Hope!} for the North Shore Yarn Crawl last Saturday. I tagged along and picked out some yarn for when I get really good and am ready for my first project. But for now, I’m just practicing little squares. It’s getting easier so that counts for something!

D O I N G : The couch-to-5k running program. I started it last week when the weather was nice {using this app} and am really confident that I can for real make this happen this time around. I am not a runner, but I want to be. And I hope to become a healthier version of myself in the process. So, here’s to trying. And to feeling pretty motivated about being successful, too.

L O O K I N G  F O R W A R D  T O : Easter at home. I just can’t wait to be with my family in the little town I grew up in. I’m also excited for the chocolate and the cupcakes. Always a good time. Always delicious.

M A K I N G  M E  H A P P Y : The fact that the end of ski season is in sight! Zan has been gone most weekends being the ski bunny that he is. We’ve been pretty good at making more time for each other during the week {going out to dinner or spending time in the kitchen together}, but I’m excited to spend spring and summer weekends with him again very very soon.


P.S. I have a really sweet giveaway in the works for tomorrow. It involves instagram {YOU LOVE IT} and will be my first official giveaway ever, so be sure to come back and check it out! I think you’ll be excited about it too!


OH! and I got the idea for this post from my sweet friend Mary.

do it yourself: fun with fonts

Anna’s Handwriting ONE





As many of you know, I’m a big supporter of adding typography to posts/photos, as evidenced here and here {and here and here and here}. I could go on, but you get the idea. For me, it’s a fun way to play around with graphic design + adding a touch of text makes it a little more personal and unique. Up until recently, most of the text on my photos have been fonts I have downloaded {for free} from here and there around the internets. Then when I got my Bamboo Tablet, I started to experiment with writing on my pictures in my own handwriting using a stylus pen.

Yesterday I had the best time playing around with a new app I downloaded called iFontMaker, which basically helps you turn your own handwriting into a font. It’s $6.99 for any of you iPad owners {iPad only, unfortunately} and is basically THE MOST FUN ever. Worth the money, in my opinion, for sure.

It’s super easy to use, too– you only need your finger and your iPad and you’re good to go. You can make as many fonts as you want, download them for just yourself, or share them with the world. I made the four above in under a half hour yesterday, and BECAUSE I LOVE YOU (!) I’ve made them available for free download. All you need to do it click on the links above.

SO! Download away!


about the time I rearranged the bedroom.

A few weeks ago, when Zan was off skiing one Saturday, I decided to take a little time to rearrange the bedroom. I was at the end of my rope with winter and just looking for a change. I always decide to do these sorts of things on a last minute basis. One minute I’m propped in front of my computer waiting for my coffee to finish brewing, and the next, BAM! I’ve gone completely mad and everything is my room is being strewn about.

Why I did this by myself without Zan around to help me I will never know, but it went something like this:

Take all of the drawers out of the dresser, stack them in the dining room.

Collect junk from dresser into a paper bag.

Take the mattress off the bed, lean it up in the kitchen.

Throw all the bedding to the wayside.

Use my super strength to move everything to the opposite side of where it was before.

Rearrange the rug.

Bring in a comfy chair from the study.

Bring back in the dresser drawers.

Put the mattress back on the bed and the bedding all back together.

Admire my handy work.

Take pictures.

Send to Zanner.

Post to instagram.


Proud of myself doesn’t even come close to how I felt. I was elated with our new set-up and my new found love of home handywork. Zan really liked the new change, too. Gave me a pat on the back, told me he was impressed. I must have done something wrong in the moving process though, because as soon as Zan got into the bed it broke and the entire thing came crashing to the floor.


There’s a slight chance I was the cause of that.

{I was most definitely the cause of that.}

It was one of those situations where all you can really do is laugh through the tears. And once you get over the tragedy of breaking your bed, an extended camp-out with your mattress on the ground is actually an okay adventure in the interim.

goal four: handwritten letters + stay in touch with friends

You probably thought I forgot about this resolution list, didn’t you.

Well you were right because I DID.

And then at lunch today I was like WHAT should I blog about next? At which point this little list came creeping back to me, along with some stress because of so much I still want/need to do.

And I know it’s only March, but still.

Goal #4 is to write more handwritten letters + stay in better touch with friends. I’ve got to preface this with saying that I’m already pretty good at keeping in touch with friends (in my humble opinion), but there’s always room for improvement, and more than anything, I just don’t want to let this aspect of my life slip through the cracks. The friendships I’ve made {and continue to make} are incredibly important to me and so dedicating time to this resolution is worth every second.

I’m doing pretty okay with the handwritten letter part, so I thought I’d take some time to talk about how I’m making it work for me. I wrote some Happy New Year notes in January and sent some Valentine’s postcards when February 14th rolled around. I think that’s the way I’m going to keep making this happen around here. A few cards mailed out to friends once a month should do the trick. It’s totally doable, and makes me feel really good inside. Not to mention EVERYONE and their mother loves getting mail.


To start this little project first I collected addresses using Postable. I found out about this website from my friend Elizabeth, who is also trying her hand at this pen pal gig. It’s a SUPER easy way to get your friends’ addresses AND keep them in one place. The whole “address book” thing never really worked out for me. Mostly I’d forget where I put it, but also I was terrible at keeping up with it. With this, I always know where my friends’ addresses are, I can print mailing labels if I want, and they are easily updatable if someone moves (which happens A LOT these days).

In January and February I sent cards that I purchased at my local Paper Source, but this month, I’ve started to collect more cards from favorite etsy shops. ONE because there are some seriously great handmade shops out there and TWO because, as you know, I recently became a shop owner myself {shameless plug!}.

Here are some favorites I love:

Wit & Whistle

Beyond Wonderland

Sara December Rose

Little Low Studio

Iron Curtain Press

On top of the letters, I’d love to start sending out little gifts here and there, just because. A few friends have recently done this for me and it’s just the NICEST. I already have my first batch of “gifts” heading out this week. Excited to start giving! For this I am aiming to send out local products (chocolates and other goodies), but might look into some etsy shops for that kind of thing as well.

Lastly, I just really want to make a big effort to visit friends this year/or have friends come visit me. I’ve accepted that I’m pretty much the WORST at keeping up with friends via telephone, and email works okay every now and again, but it’s just not the same as face-to-face, let’s-hug-and-dance-like-we’ve-never-left-each-other feeling. You know? I’ve been pretty successful at seeing my Boston friends consistently, which I LOVE, but I’d also love to figure some way out to see my college/high school friends that don’t live close, too. It’s hard, because many of them live pretty far {at least a plane ride away}, and money is tight over here, but hopefully we can work something out, or even try to meet somewhere in the middle. There are always weddings {we have two this summer!}, but still I want MORE.


And so, there we have it. Basically, “The Friendship Plan for 2013”. Sounds official and I like it.

Also, now I’m curious. Do you write letters? Make phone calls? Plan weekends? How do you keep in touch with your favorites as the years go by??

{P.S. Are you still on Facebook? I am {sort of}, but I am over it. Big time. I could go on forever about THAT, but another day, another time!}


“Write More Letters”
letterpress print by Bison Bookbinding Press
{found at Porter Square Books!}