This is a neat poster for the modern kitchen. It’s called Ham and Cheese Hot Pocket by artist Justin Pericone. He’s based right here out of Somerville. COOL!

And while I’ve got your attention, check out his blog too. Good stuff.

Fifty, Nifty, United STATES

This is the most amazing map of the United States EVER.

I found it in a shop in Chatham and it costs $3,900.00

The artist, Aaron Foster works with vintage license plates to make spectacular wall art. He’s even been on TV and sometimes, replicas of his work can be found at Target (now THAT’s more my budget!).

This taxi cab, made from a NY license plate, is one of my favorites!

“I always wonder about the history of the vintage plates I use, what roads they may have traveled down and where they might be headed next, like the cars they once belonged to, I hope that my artwork will take fantastic journeys in the lives of their owners and always remind them of life’s eternal sense of adventure.”

-Aaron Foster

CC update:

Sorry for the absence!
I’ve been absorbed in my book and haven’t had time to blog!
Also, my camera cord is missing. Eeeek.
Until it is found, CC pics will have to wait.
Here’s a pretty painting I found for you to enjoy in the meantime…

We’re having a spectacular time, despite all the rain! I’ve been busy catching up on my summer reading and have been eating delicious homemade food and enjoying great company.

More pictures and posts soon!

Favorite Blog: Dear Weekend

Here’s another one of my favorite blogs for you to add to your list. Elisabeth is a wonderful artist based around San Diego. It also just so happens that she’s originally from my hometown! Her mother was my french teacher and her younger brother Mike was my date for Junior Prom (if I had a picture, I would insert it here). Small World! I absolutely LOVE her artwork and I am just waiting until I have a little extra cash in the bank to claim one for myself. Her blog is fun and fresh, with lots of mentions about the weekend!

Here is a peek at some of her work.

Wouldn’t these be so perfect in a kitchen?

Check out her website:
and her etsy site too:

Hope you’re having a great WEEKEND!!