CafeTeria (Tres Chic!)

Last Sunday Mo, Katharine and I decided to get brunch together before Mo headed back to Rochester. We chose CafeTeria on Newbury Street and it was the perfect choice. A great bright and airy atmosphere and really delicious food. Simple, but with a touch of fancy.

I was too busy eating my chocolate chip buttermilk pancakes to take a picture of them, but trust me, this place is a winner.

Highly recommended!!

CafeTeria. 279a Newbury Street. Boston, MA 02116

crazy good. insanely delicious.

This dressing is the YUMMIEST. I just picked it up today at Super Stop and Shop because as I was skittering down the salad dressing aisle my eyes were drawn to the product packaging. I am such a sucker for packaging. I’ll admit it. Give me a nice looking bottle and I’m sold. The good thing about most well-packaged products is that they do actually taste better. In my opinion. Or at least, my brain has convinced my taste buds to think that way.

Brinanna’s Home Style Dressing is for real DEEElicious.

I picked up some Rich Poppy Seed dressing and it’s phenomenally sweet and flavorful. I can’t wait to pack a salad for lunch tomorrow with butter lettuce, raspberries, grapes, sliced almonds, and especially this tasty topper. What a treat!

There are lots of other appealing flavors too… just check them out at your local grocer (Whole Foods excluded, which is surprising, but true).


Fine Salad Dressing

Crazy good.

Fruit Frenzy Bars

I just tried one of these Fruit Frenzy Bars from Trader Joes. Wow. WOW. I apologize for lack of a better picture. It’s too dark in my kitchen right now and this is all I could find. You can get the idea though. Looks so pink and cheery. And tastes even better.

It is three layers of sweet, tart, sugary goodness.
First raspberry. SOOO flavorful.
Next lemon. Deliciously sour.
Last strawberry. Tastes like summer.
TRY these. Try these tomorrow! They will keep that summer skip in your step. Hold on to it while you can!

Beans. Dragon Beans.

I have been feasting on these delicious beans all summer.
Their name?
Dragon Tongue Beans.
Sounds like something Harry would eat at Hogwarts. And these beans sure are magical. They are so tender and delicious. The colorful pods are great when eaten raw. They have a satisfying crunch and are juicy and sweet. YUM! Zan has been growing them in his garden all summer and I’ve been eating them by the handful. They are supposedly locally grown in California, but have been producing just fine here in Massachusetts.
Have you ever had these beans?
Another delicious item in the garden:
Dragon’s Eggs. They look like eggs, but they’re really cucumbers! A heirloom crop that is most rare and unique. Cool and crisp I’ve been eating these “eggs” like apples. Even better, they don’t have a pit.
Summer vegetables! YAY!