I was just looking through my pics and I realized I never blogged about Cape Cod!! My goodness, well, it’s ABOUT TIME. Wouldn’t ya say? It is the first day of fall after all. Bummer. I miss summer.
This year’s trip (4th annual) started out pretty rough. Cold. Windy. Rainy. Yick.
Still though, we found ways to entertain ourselves like eating LOTS of delicious meals cooked by my mom and Grammy, doing a little window shopping on Main Street, and watching the Red Sox kick Toronto AND Seattle’s be-hinds. :)
Also, I devoured The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

This book was 110% nuts.
It’s fast-paced.
And, it was amazing.
You should probably read it. Like, now.
Just read it. READ IT.
Aaaaanyways. Where was I? Oh yes, CAPE COD. Glorious, CC.
Cape, I love you.
After a few days of rain, the skies finally cleared and the sun shone bright… OH so bright! We got a chance to finish off the week doing what we love best, beachin’ it!
Here’s some pics from this year’s vacation:
The lovely house!
Hanging out on the porch swing…
Dinner at the Wild Goose Tavern
Seals!!! (through binocular lenses!)
Did some shopping at my favorite store…
It has lots of seashells and fabulous sea inspired jewelry.

And had some good old fashioned fun at lighthouse beach!! DREAM.
Sunset over Hardings Beach…
See ya next year, CC!!