My summer (in a clam shell)…

This summer flew past, right before my eyes. I can not believe how fast it went actually. So super fast– like those horses and jockeys at the Saratoga race track. Whew! Mostly, I was finishing up my coursework, but also, I was having fun.
I finished up the Summer Compass Program (a Lesley University/Cambridge Public Schools partnership) with an extreme sense of accomplishment. Mostly because I can’t even belieeeeeve how much paperwork I finished in only 6 weeks, but also because I really did feel like a reading teacher. :)
The other reading specialists I worked with (pictured above) were all AMAZING. I loved spending my days in the reading room with them, working as colleagues, and getting to know them as friends. I will miss this group and will have great memories of our crazy summer together!

I did also manage (although I’m not quite sure how) to do other summer-y things with other fabulous people in my life. LUCKILY, I have the documentation to prove it. Here is my summer in a nutshell….OR, more appropriately, a CLAM shell. Wish it could go on forever.

I made it to a red sox game!

I enjoyed a night out with friends at an HWS/SLU alumni event…

Hung out with Zan’s fam… ate a good amount of ice cream…

Went down to Greenwich to spend time with family…. got some pics with my Aunt Heidi’s chicken coup…

Fresh eggs, anyone?

Drank PBRs with the guys…

Loved me some EE and Aaron…

Becca came to visit and she cooked up a delicious meal!

I am the proud new owner of a FABULOUS FIT-

I took a weekend trip to the Cuse and spent most of my time in Skan-town… picked some corn, ate some veggies, hung out with my cousins, spent time with Tinsley, and got to see MO!!


CC update:

Sorry for the absence!
I’ve been absorbed in my book and haven’t had time to blog!
Also, my camera cord is missing. Eeeek.
Until it is found, CC pics will have to wait.
Here’s a pretty painting I found for you to enjoy in the meantime…

We’re having a spectacular time, despite all the rain! I’ve been busy catching up on my summer reading and have been eating delicious homemade food and enjoying great company.

More pictures and posts soon!

CC here I come!

It’s that time of year again!!
The one week out of the year that I live for.
Off to Chatham I go!
We are driving down in my new sweeeeet wheels.

We are going to eat seafood.

And collect seashells.

And watch out for those craaaazy sharks!!!

Catch ya later! Enjoy the weekend…
The summer weekends are dwindling!
Get those sweet rays while you can.

Dear awesome new car:

Dear awesome New Car,

YAY for being new pals! I can’t wait till I pick you up on Monday. You are SOOOO sporty and fun. I already just know we are going to be amazing best friends. We can listen to music together and sing along too when we know the words. Thanks for choosing me Honda Fit, because I sure did love choosing YOU.
With love, your new owner,
ME. :)