
It was just one of those weekends that makes you feel good all over.

Warm sunshine on your skin and good company to last the whole way through.

There are more details to share, and more pictures too…

So getchoself ready.


And above all else, here’s to wishing the weekend would last forever.



  1. You take the most beautiful pictures!

  2. I really enjoyed the way you typed get yourself ready. well done. and gorgeous photos as always!

  3. ANNA!!! (Remember when I yelled your name?) lol – so good catching up with you and the gang on the weekend! Lovely pics as always. It’s good to be able to instagram in unison, right?

    • SO GOOD.

      Haha I love when you yelled to me and I loved that I was instagramming to my heart’s content!

  4. Gahh, those flats are so cute Anna

  5. all of these are gorgeous! you really have a knack for photographing the PERFECT angle!

    question: what type of editing software do you use and how do you create your collages? your pictures always look so great and I love the word combos you do. just curious! thanks! :)

    • You know, I’ve gotten so many questions about this lately I’m doing a tutorial.

      Check back tomorrow!! :)

  6. Couldn’t agree more. Weekends are great and on Sunday nights, I always find myself wishing that they could last forever…or just a few days longer. :) Coffee and blogger QT must be repeated ASAP.

  7. I sent the pic of 36P to my mom. It is BEAUTIFUL!

    Miss you and Boston!

  8. lolololololol @ “getchoself”. oh, we are SO soul sisters! xo

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