Archives for July 12, 2009

on top of the world.

Here is a picture of me at the top of Mount Lafayette in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The top of the mountain was so windy I thought I was going to blow away. It took us about 8 hours to finish the hike and boy did I feel like a superstar afterwards. Must have been the bag of peanut m&m’s that saw me through to the end. They never let me down.

What an awesome adventure!

Canon Powershot SD790

This camera is amazing. I have had it for about 4 months now and don’t have a bad thing to say about it. I have had my experience with cameras too. In the past 5 years I have broken more cameras than you can count on one hand. It’s pathetic, really. But I can tell this camera is different. Actually, I know this camera is different because I dropped it onto concrete and it didn’t even get a scratch! The pictures are great quality too. Very clear and the colors are so vibrant. At around $150 you can’t beat the price! I give this camera 5 out of 5 stars. It’s super.

Twilight Series.

I think the twilight books/movie are pretty great. I mean, they are nothing compared to Harry Potter (the most glorious books in the entire universe), but they will suffice now that can no longer read about Harry and the rest of the gang. At first I was hesitant to start this series. VAMPIRES? are you serious? But then I remembered I used to love Buffy back in high school, the coolest vampire slayer EVER. And so I decided to give Bella and Edward a chance. Also, everyone else loves them and usually when everyone else is doing something I inevitably end up doing it too. Shucks.

So anyways, I liked the first book well enough. I read through it in a couple of days and enjoyed getting back into the vampire scene (although very different from good ol’ Buffy). Then I watched the movie. OMG. fantastic. Two thumbs up! I think I even like the movie better than the book, which hardly ever happens for me. I just I want to watch the movie over and over again. I can’t even wait for my sister to finish the book so I can watch it again with her. I started the second book, New Moon, right after I watched the movie because I was in “Twilight Mode”. I finished it in like 2 days. Alright fine, maybe a day and a half. I just couldn’t stop reading it. I’m HOOKED.

I plan to read Eclipse and Breaking Dawn in Chatham this summer. So excited. A week at the beach with Bella and Edward. Take me there now please.