Archives for December 2009

LOVE that book.

This book
“This is the story of Jack
who finds his voice
with the help of
I smiled. I cried.
The ending
made me
Love that dog.

Thoughts on my new banner? I’ve been playing around with my blog now that I have a new handy manual. I’ll be experimenting with new ideas for awhile, so come along and enjoy the ride….

follow me!!

My new book Blogging for Bliss (got it for Christmas!) says one of the best things about blogging is getting comments and having followers. Up until now, I don’t really know who is following my blog (besides family and close friends). BUT Tara Frey (the author of B4B) says comments are encouraging and fun to receive. And you know what? I AGREE! Plus, it lets me know that my words are being read (by somebody, anybody!). So I’ve added a new feature on the right hand column called FOLLOWERS. Be a follower! This will let you know when my blog has been updated with new posts. And comments are welcome and appreciated!! Thanks all!

A Burns Family Christmas

This year’s turnout at the annual Burns Family Hotel Christmas dinner was phenomenal! 58 people!!! This is a tradition that my grandparents started waaaay back in the day. It’s changed ever so slightly but still has that good old fashioned family feeling. We used to always go to the Hotel Syracuse (when it was still in business), get a big long table, and eat the most delicious tomato soup on the planet. Well, big long table is still part of Christmas dinner, and there’s tomato soup (although a different kind), but the Hotel Syracuse is no longer. The Double-Tree does a nice job, thankfully, and puts up with the food-throwing (my cousins- younger AND older), so we appreciate it. And it’s a place for us to all get together and reconnect after a year (sometimes more!) of living our busy lives.
My dad comes from a family of 6 boys. He’s the youngest so a lot of my uncle’s children are older now with families of their own. As a little kid I always thought my family was large– and every year it keeps getting larger! Here’s some pics of our “Hotel Christmas Dinner”: