Archives for February 16, 2010

A Valentine’s Day Brunch

Check out this FRENCH TOAST.
Oo la la…

Yeah, I’m pretty happy about it.

For Valentine’s Day we went to Brunch at Brookline Lunch. A fabulous choice on both our parts.

I gave Zan this card on Valentine’s Day.

I found it while shopping around Beacon Hill on Saturday and I bought it instantly. These collectors postcards made by Kittywake Card Company feature pictures and art from around Boston. Anything about lobsters just remind me so much of Zan and so I thought this card was perfect. Especially the inscription on the back:

“The Candy Cane or Polka Dot Lobster is exceedingly rare, found once every several billion lobsters. Like others mutant lobsters, the landing of a Candy Cane by the lobstermen of New England is considered a harbinger of good fortune and happiness.”

We were planning on having lobsters for dinner, but didn’t get to James Hook Lobster Co. in time before they closed. Double Dang! No matter though, we may not have had good fortune with eating lobsters but we sure did have a lot of happiness. ♥♥♥