Archives for March 22, 2010

Some things cold and sugary and delicious.

This weekend in the Bean was beyond gorgeous. We’re talking 70 degrees and sunny. On Saturday I was wearing a sleeveless shirt. No sleeves! And I was perfectly comfortable! Heaven. I bet it’s like that in heaven. I know in my heaven it will be that’s for sure. Aaaanyways. Warm weather calls for cool treats. And I sure got my fair share of them this weekend.

Let’s start with ice cream. YUMMY yummy ice cream. So creamy and delicious and fattening. I love it. My favorite? JP Licks Oreo Ice Cream. It is devine. It’s literally like mushed up oreos and milk. The taste is indescribably spectacular. Superb. Fabulous. Ok, ok.. you get it.

Boston’s Best Homemade Ice Cream
Click here for locations near you!

Next up? Smoothies. Oh, fruity smoothies you are so good.

Berry Freeze is the newest frozen yogurt joint to hit Coolidge Corner. This phenomenon has been around NYC for a few years, but we over here in Boston– we lag a bit with the trends. It’s a great idea though and I’m glad it’s finally caught on over here… makes you feel slightly less guilty as opposed to eating ice cream. But still, only slightly. They have an amazing fruit bar filled with glorious amounts of fruits and nuts and sugary cereals and CHOCOLATE.

Looks good doesn’t it? Mmm hmm it does.

Check it out!
273 Harvard Street
Coolidge Corner
Brookline, MA