MMMm chocolate. Hotel Chocolat.

I need to tell you about this really fun and really delicious chocolatier on Newbury Street. Hotel Chocolat. A chocolate store, not a hotel. But boy, wouldn’t that be a treat if it was! Although, if it was a hotel I’m sure I would never be able to stay there for real. Only in my dreams. The chocolate is pretty pricy so I can only imagine what a night at the hotel would cost. It’s fun to think about though. Chocolate, chocolate, everywhere. I love chocolate. Yes I do. I got this little container of Tiddly Pots for a gift. So cute and so small! They are like little tiny buttons you might find on a cardigan. Perfectly sized. Perfectly delicious.
They have so many yummy looking treats and everything is so creative. I just love stuff like this. Great gift ideas for anyone who loves chocolate. MMmm. Mmmmmmm.

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