Archives for September 2010

Lonny Mag

So in my search for a good magazine awhile back, my friend Eliza informed me of an online magazine called Lonny. Although I was looking for actual pages to flip (i.e. paper magazine), the online paper-less magazine Lonny wins for spectacular ideas, eye-pleasing layout, and all around fabulous design. It’s so wonderful, every issue is so bright and EXACTLY my style. Or at least, what my style inspires to be. Plus, it’s GREEN!

Thank you Eliza for letting me know about this!
Looking through this mag is a DREAM if I ever had one. Simply divine.

I am 170% addicted to this publication.
If that’s even possible.
And I think it might be.

The August/September Issue is 197 pages of pure bliss.
Oh joy!

Go subscribe!


Meg just subscribed to the NY Times Weekender.

This means I can now spend my weekend mornings sipping hot fresh brewed coffee, devouring articles in the Sunday Styles, Arts & Leisure, Travel, Week in Review, and the NY Times Magazine.
I feel so grown up.
So worldly.
So smart.
Can’t you just picture it? Me on my oversized chair, cool breeze coming through the window, reading the news. Weekend mornings have a whole new meaning now. Gloooorious.

Fruit Frenzy Bars

I just tried one of these Fruit Frenzy Bars from Trader Joes. Wow. WOW. I apologize for lack of a better picture. It’s too dark in my kitchen right now and this is all I could find. You can get the idea though. Looks so pink and cheery. And tastes even better.

It is three layers of sweet, tart, sugary goodness.
First raspberry. SOOO flavorful.
Next lemon. Deliciously sour.
Last strawberry. Tastes like summer.
TRY these. Try these tomorrow! They will keep that summer skip in your step. Hold on to it while you can!

HOLY Hammock!

Look at this INSANELY HUGE hammock that’s now on the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway in downtown Boston. WHAT A DREAM!!!!!!
Check out the article in the Globe:
I need to go see this for myself sometime soon.
HAMMOCKS are a slice of HEAVEN.