
I stumbled upon my old copy of Anne of Green Gables while packing the other day. Oh, Anne (with an E), thanks for reminding me to use my imagination once in awhile. As I start my new year off, it’s always important to take a step back and view life through the eyes of a child. It makes teaching more fun, and makes connecting with children that much more special. Anne’s a little old for first graders, but it’s fun thinking about the different books I want to read aloud this year.

Here’s some ideas I have in mind.

Mrs. Piggle Wiggle

The Chocolate Touch

The Hundred Dresses

Those are some new titles I want to try out this year. Then of course, I have my very favorites that I couldn’t live without. And no child should go through school not hearing them either (in my humble opinion).:


Pippi Longstockings

Charlotte’s Web

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane  (my favorite)

Do you have any favorite stories for kids?? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this one!



  1. what a fun list! i need to read a few of those myself. i’ve heard amazing things about The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. My favorite when I was younger was Mr. Popper’s Penguins, though I fear Jim Carey has kind of ruined it for me, for now.

    • I love Mr. Popper’s Penguins! I read that to my class last year and they loved it. I haven’t seen the movie yet, and I don’t want to. Also, I probably won’t read the book until the movie fades, because I don’t want the kids to be all “I SAW THE MOVIE!”. I hate that because the books are ALWAYS better, but somehow kids don’t appreciate that like adults do.

  2. AMAZING quote and I’ve never met anyone else except for my sisters that knows Mrs Piggle Wiggle!!!


  3. The B.F.G.and James and the Giant Peach were two of my faves! :)

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