moving stinks! (but oh is it time).

Well, dear readers, it’s just about time for me to pack up and move my little behind out of Brookline. I’m certainly excited for a fresh start, but moving is the pits! I’ve been attempting to “pack” for the last month or so, but it feels as if I’ve been peddling and peddling and peddling without moving an inch.

I’ve given to the thrift store about a BAZILLION times trying to de-clutter my life and start a-new. You can collect a lot of stuff in 4 years if you don’t watch yourself. Trust me on this one. I know about these things. It’s a little bit of shopping, plus a little bit of gift receiving, and then of course, the frequent inheritance from one’s family members who have too much stuff in the first place and are passing their clutter-lovin’ genes to ME.

But I’m not takin’ em anymore.

Those genes can take A HIKE!

I vow to live clutter free and simple all the days of my life. I vow to live clutter free and simple all the days of my life. I vow to live clutter free and simple all the days of my life.

Anywho, in other news, still on the subject of moving– I have to be honest and let you all know I feel no sadness about moving out of my apartment. YES, I will miss Brookline dearly (oh, how I have loved it so), but this apartment has seen better days, my friends. Read on for reasons why it is CLEARLY time for us to move:

Reason #1 why it is time to move out:

At the beginning of the summer I awoke one morning to find a mouse (yes, yes, I said a MOUSE) hanging out in my bathroom. It scared the livin’ daylights out of me as I pulled back the shower curtain to start the water for my shower. Ever since then (read: 2 and a half months) I have been clapping my hands and banging on the walls as I enter the loo in the morning. It’s awe-some.

Similarly, my sister, who is without a doubt the world’s biggest mouse-o-phobe, saw 2 mice (yes 2!) one night a few weeks ago. She has barely been able to breathe in our apartment since. The first mouse she saw scurry across the living room floor, and the second mouse she actually saw in her bedroom. Her bedroom! To say it has taken over her life is an understatement. The girl jumps 10 feet at the call of her name. She will forever live in fear because of what happened to her.

Reason #2 why it is time to move out:

Our kitchen is infested with tiny little ants. They came out of nowhere and they are EVERYWHERE. I have not cooked a meal, let alone eaten a piece of toast since they arrived about week ago.

Ew, gross. You’re probably thinking we’re unsanitary or something right about now. I mean, I would if I were you. But we’re not! I swear!!

Reason #3 why it is time to move out:

(This one’s the real kicker.)

Last night, when my sister and her boyfriend were cleaning out our back storage room, they stumbled upon a BAT.


I am not lying. Not one tiny bit.

CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE THIS STUFF?! It’s literally unreal. Like, out of a horror movie or something! Right?!?!

(Me and Meg, circa 1987)

And so, if you’re wondering if I’m sad to move out of this lovely apartment that I used to call home, the answer is NO. No, no, and no again.

Goodbye and good riddance.

And especially good luck, to the next people who have to live here!


  1. Our previous home suddenly got taken over by those mice and ants and it was awful! But a BAT? I mean really that is too much!! Mice and ants are impossible to live with and even harder to get rid of, but what the heck do you do with a bat?! lol Glad you’re moving :)

  2. Yikes – bats can have rabies! I understand that it’s time to move when your home has turned into a zoo. Best of luck with that!

  3. I too, am battling the wild baby creatures taking over my small little Beacon Hill home. I find that constantly wearing wellies around one’s apartment is the best kind of preparation for a fight.
    Bugs. Roaches (!!!!). Mice. Rat on the stairs. Man passed out in lobby. I’ve seen it all.

    Best of luck to you nannerburns and Meggy!!

  4. Ali Herter says:

    OMG friend!!! Scary stuff!!! I think I would constantly be up in a chair at all times just in case!

    Good luck with the move and make sure to take pics of your new love nest ;-)

    PS LOVE that pic of you and Meg….hysterical! xxx

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