dear 2011,

What a year it has been! I was just looking through all my iPhoto albums from this year and between my fancy cam and my iPhone I’ve documented this year more than any other. I am more than lucky to have the people I love in my life, with a job that makes me smile and a beautiful city at my fingertips, I’d say this is more than enough to be thankful for.

This blog has come a long way in a year too. I’m more in love with this community than ever and am happy to be a part of it more every day. I have made many connections in Boston and have friendships that stretch across the country. How amazing, I can’t help but think, that I can read blogs at any point of the day because I have friends in different time zones.

Dear Friend started as a way for me to update my friends and family on what’s happening in Boston and was a place for me to save favorite things, but in a year has become something a little more. I am more connected than ever, to myself and to others, and this is a place where I can share my thoughts, ideas, and memories with not only my family and friends, but the world. I’m still finding my voice as a writer, but it’s fun to discover the process. I’ve realized the best way for me to write is to just simply be me, and write like I would talk, as if we were having a conversation over brunch. And so, this is what you get here, a voice that is truly me and how I am. So should you ever end up meeting me for brunch in real life (and I hope we do), you’ll already have a friend in me.

If you are newer around here, or have been around for awhile (and I thank you from the bottom of my soul) I’ve tried to go back and look through my 2011 posts and find the ones that are my favorite, the ones that are the most “me” and the most sincere.

It was fun looking back and was a nice salute to 2011. There were lots of posts I had gone and forgotten about so it was good to go back and re-read. And reading them again long after I’ve written them makes me look at them from a different perspective too. I can’t believe how much is here, how much I have written and recorded. Memories that would simply be forgotten if they were not etched here, on this blog, for all to read and remember.

Here are some of my favorite posts from this year:

Sunday in Harvard Square

Marathon Monday

Master of Education

Boston Bloggers Picnic

Kisses for Hope

On Traveling


Thoughts on Reconnecting

For My Dad

Summer Bucket List


On Happiness

Keeping in Touch


My first VLOG

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, thanks so much for being here, for taking the time to read and connect. Thanks for saying hi, and for your comments and emails. They means more to me than most of you know.

Goodbye, 2011!! Thanks for the memories!

And happy New Year, dear friends. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


  1. And a happy new year to you, dear Anna!

    I’m thankful to know you.


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