Archives for June 2012

check that flash mob off the ‘ol bucket list.

6. Flash mob. Doing it.



summer bucket list 2012

Here we go again!

I did this last year and thought it was so fun checking things off. It’s a little shorter than before, but I think this one’s got a little more beef to it. You know, just trying to keep life awesome.

Summer Bucket List 2012:

1. Shop mostly at the farmer’s market.

2. Run 3x a week, increase my running stamina, and sign up for a 5K for the fall.

3. More yoga. Do the 6:45 AM class a couple times a week. (I did this last summer and it’s completely worth it. I need to remember this.)

4. Take a photography workshop.

5. Photograph my way around the city of Boston. And do weekly blog posts about my favorite spots.

6. Flash mob. Doing it.

7. Read 10+ books.

Some ideas, but not limited to:


The Year of Magical Thinking


Love Walked In


The Alienist

Operating Instructions

The Book Thief

Fifty Shades of Grey

We Need to Talk About Kevin


My Life in France

8. Picnic and/or canoe on the Charles.

9. Swim in Skaneateles Lake.

10. Eat a lobster roll in Cape Cod.

11. Make homemade ice cream.

12. Get a bike. And a cute helmet.

13. Have a BBQ. Send invitations.

14. Take a flying trapeze class. I’m totally serious.

15. Write a handwritten letter to a friend once a week and walk it to the local mailbox.

16. Go to a Red Sox game.

17. Make a homemade video to music on iMovie. Been wanting to do this, but not sure what to do it about.

18. Create a piece of artwork. I even bought a canvas.

19. Visit the following list of Boston museums:

Isabella Stewart Gardiner Museum

Orchard House (Little Women!)

Boston Athenaeum

Harvard Museum of Natural History

20. Take public transportation every possible day I can.

21. Nantucket!

22. Print my favorite instagrams and do something cool with them. I like this idea a lot.

23. Have a romantic dinner with Zanner at the Top of the Hub.

24. A weekend in NH at the Farmhouse/ Hike Mt. Lafayette in the White Mountains

25. See Ingrid Michaelson in concert.

Here’s to soaking it in and living it up. And most important: SAVORING it all.

– – – – – – – – – – –

I’m heading out of Boston tonight for a wedding weekend at the North Shore in the perfectly adorable town that is Manchester by the Sea. An ideal way to start summer in my book. See you all next week!


View my completed list HERE!

the swimsuit: opinions wanted

So almost every year I get a new bathing suit.

It’s just sort of a thing I’ve done ever since I was little. Like new school supplies for the start of a new school year, I get a new suit for the start of a new summer.

Usually I just go with a j.crew suit because I know they fit me and I know they are usually pretty flattering. They’re pricey, but tried and true. The above suits are my faves from j.crew online this season.

Are you a one-piece or a two-piece wearer?

I have a fair amount of two-piece suits, but over the past several years I’ve been leaning towards the one-piece. It’s both comfortable and timeless. Can’t go wrong when those two factors are concerned!

Which one do you like best??

counting the days.

10 more days til summer.

For me, officially, anyways.

8 days if we’re not counting the weekends.

7 days if we’re not counting the personal day I am taking this Friday for my friend’s wedding.

This pretty much makes me the happiest lady in the world.

So many people keep asking me when the school year ends.

They’ll ask: “So, when is school all done for you?”

And I’ll tell them however many days are left and then I’ll add that I’m super excited and that I love summer.

Like the other night for instance, someone asked, and I answered: “I’m done on the 14th. I CAN’T WAIT I AM SO EXCITED SUMMER IS MY FAVORITE.”

Or something like that.

“Oh, so have you had a tough year?”

I always seem to get this response from people. And I always wonder why. Did I say I don’t like my job? Do I seem like I had a hard year? It’s like they’re taken aback by my enthusiasum. Like a teacher isn’t allowed to like summer or something. Like we’re supposed to want to teach 12 months out of the year.

I mean, yeah there’s been drama (the “you’re not my best friend anymore” kind). And there’s been accidents (books ripped, paint spilled, and the other kind of accidents, too), and sickness (strep throat, the stomach bug, pink eye. All totally gross, I know.). And yeah, there’s definitely been lice (one girl got it 4 times– yeah, ya heard me right. 4 TIMES). But the truth is, I’ve had an amazing year with an amazing class. Both this year and last year my first graders were incredible. They’re funny, they love learning, and there’s no other people I’d want to spend my weeks with September through May.

But as awesome as teaching is for me and as much as I love it, the fact of the matter is I just love summer more. No doubt about it, it’s just THE BEST.

I thought everyone knew that.

So when I tell you summer is my favorite this doesn’t mean I’ve had a hard year.

And when I tell you I can’t wait for summer it doesn’t mean I don’t like my job.

Because when I tell you I live for summer it’s just me telling it like it is.

And that is all.

Summer rocks. It’s simply the honest to goodness TRUTH.

The best, most truest response to this question about the school year ending was given to me by a second grader herself:

“Are you excited for school to end?” she asked.

“Totally.” I responded. “I LOVE summer.”

“Yeah, seriously.” she said with a smile. “I mean, WHO DOESN’T??!!”

That’s the response I am looking for, people. Because seriouslyWHO doesn’t?!