snapshots from a wedding weekend.

Oh, take me back!

These pictures are my favorite, I think, because they show just how much fun we had at the wedding last weekend. My friends from college are some of the best and craziest people I know. We have memories that go back to afternoons on the Quad and lazy days on the porch and hammock of our beloved “brickhouse” senior year. There are wild memories from the bars downtown and pictures to prove it all (somewhere out there!). And oh did we dance. We danced and sang and sang and danced. Glory days for sure.

It’s just such a good feeling to know that you have experienced so much with these people, and that you’ve experienced it side by side. My memories? They mean the world to me and I’m happy to have made some new ones last weekend.

You know what I love most about my friends?

No matter how much time has passed, we always pick up exactly where we left off. We don’t even miss a beat, and that is a really special thing.


Happy weekend, everyone! And happy summer to ME!


  1. Oh love these photos! Heading to a bachelorette weekend this weekend and you just got me SO excited.

  2. Sounds so perfect, Anna! I love all your pictures and how obvious it is that you were having such a great time. And that purple ikat dress is even cuter with a full look at it :)

  3. Happy summer to you! What a perfect way to kick it off

  4. I can tell you had SO much fun! gosh I love wedding weekends with good friends!

    Glad you had such a great time and enjoy basking in the fact that every day is a weekend for you!!

  5. love these! the dancing pictures are epic. have a great weekend anna!

    • Y’all look like you’re having so much fun! This was also me a couple weekends ago. The wedding was great, and the bride and groom were beautiful. I love these bridesmaids dresses. The ones at my friends’ wedding were black, which sounds like it would look odd, but they were very pretty.

  6. OH MYLANTA! these all look so much fun! OKAY. my friends all need to get married already to have parties as lovely as this looks!

  7. Ali Herter says:

    Love you. Mean it. That is all.

    No wait…I have more to say. You are AMAZING. I LOVE that you are my friend that captures all of our fun moments by snapshot. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for documenting this weekend to remember.

    Call me maybe?? ;-)


  8. Whoops, replied to a comment!

    “Y’all look like you’re having so much fun! This was also me a couple weekends ago. The wedding was great, and the bride and groom were beautiful. I love these bridesmaids dresses. The ones at my friends’ wedding were black, which sounds like it would look odd, but they were very pretty.”

  9. I love that it’s wedding season & everyone is gorgeous, fun wedding pictures. Thanks for sharing. Looks like you all had a blast!


  1. […] go, but it’s not as though I wasn’t doing other equally important things. Places to go! People to see! That’s going to be my motto all summer […]

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