live and let live (an adventure in OTTO pizza eating).

Last week I tweeted my blogger friend Melanie to see if she wanted to hit up OTTO’s pizza with me in Brookline.

1). I love Brookline.

2). I love Melanie.

3). I love a good slice of pie.

Melanie and I have been on a bit of a blogger food kick lately, if you will. Between pizza, crazy INSANELY amazing sweetest-treats-of-your-life brunch, and ice cream eating (post to come soon!), I’d say the two of us are reeeeeeally on top of our taste-testing game, and boy is it ever scrumptious.

Also, I had not yet been to the new posh pizza joint that is OTTO, but it was on my list of things to see and do since it recently came down to Boston from Portland, Maine. Anything from Maine has to be quality, it just has to be, and so, Thursday came around and Melanie, my sister Meg, and I all went out for pizza pie.

The great thing about being a blogger and having blogger friends who live close by (especially a food blogger friend) is that they will always agree to go places with you and they won’t care one bit if you are embarassingly taking pictures the whole time. My sister Meg, on the other hand, does care about that kind of stuff, which sometimes makes it hard to go on crazy blogger photographer mode when she’s with me having a meal out.

But the light in the place was just so glorious. And the atmosphere just screamed “BLOG ABOUT ME!” (as I was certain the food would, too) and so I did snap those pictures and I didn’t care what Meg or anyone else thought.

Live and let live.

And you know what happened while I was doing my thing? The house manager came by seemingly pleased about all my picture taking, asked if I was a blogger (in the know!), chatted it up with us about this and that (friendly service!) and then treated us to a free pizza (on the house!). Yup. BALLIN’!! I definitely don’t think Meg minded my picture taking frenzy after that perk. And I, of course, could not help but think to myself: Damn, it feels good to be a blogger, as I quite often do. It’s also just proof that it’s worth it to be yourself in this world and not care what other people think. Live and LET LIVE!

Aaaanyways. The pizza was DELICIOUS. Like, really crazy good delicious. And the location in Brookline is very welcoming, too, with a bar area and table service, as well as a really cool atmosphere with big beautiful windows and plenty of light and space. (There’s a location in Harvard Square, also, but that one’s a lot lot smaller, with only slices to-go.) As soon as we sat down with the menu we had to take few minute to decide what to order because the list was so extensive. So many pizzas! So much delicousness!! It wasn’t an easy decision, but we ultimately decided on two pizzas— the pulled pork and mango, and the butternut squash, ricotta, and cranberry. I loved them both with their unique and savory flavors and spot on toppings, but would have to say the pulled pork and mango came out on top. SO. so. tasty.

I have a feeling all of their pizzas are full of goodness. I just have a feeling. And I’m not a food critic or anything, but if I was one I would give this place 6 stars. 5 stars for the food and an extra one for the service.

Thanks for the pizza, OTTO! We can’t wait to come back!


  1. I love OTTO! The staff and ownership are amazing and the nicest people you will ever meet! #supportlocalbusiness

  2. Yessss I could eat the pulled pork & mango pizza every day

  3. damn it feels good to be a blogger – mantra, always, all the time. so cool you got free pizza! work it girl. and the pulled pork and mango? wow does that look amazing.

  4. Pulled pork and mango??? GAAAHH. I’m definitely jealous

  5. I love Otto pizza! I live not too far from Harvard Ave! We should go THERE for a blogger date :)

  6. FAAAAAAMOUS. That’s what we aaaaarrre.

    Whenever you want to come back to try the 75 other flavors, you know who to call ;)

  7. Now I know where my next pizza adventure will lead! That looks amazing- and further proof that it’s always a good idea to pull out your camera!

  8. Can we go on a blogger foodie date soon!? This looks fun.

  9. Eeep I just went for the first time this weekend!! It is seriously beyond delicious food, my only complaint was supah slow service but I think our waiter was new so I’ll give him a break :) We had the mashed potato pizza but I am dyinggg to try the Butternut Squash one. Love these mouth-watering photos as usual!!

  10. hahaha this is awesome. Free things when you’re expecting to pay are that much better. Mmm pizza…

  11. 1. This looks AMAZING. My stomach is now growling.
    2. Free pizza for blogger status? You’ve made it.

  12. These photos are incredible! You are so great at taking pictures. I think I need some lessons… and a new camera lol. That pizza looks incredible and I am in love with their creative flavor combinations!! Oh and let’s talk about how amazing it is that you got free pizza just for being a blogger?! It’s a wonderful world, I tell you.

  13. YESSSS! well, it’s a good thing i’m living in brookline next year :) lady dates, please?! :)

  14. Wow … thanks for the kind words! Love your blog and we’ve linked to it from our Facebook page, too. Hope that draws you some traffic! And keep yer eyes and ears open for the deets on our new BOSTON location! Yep, another @OTTO_Pizza (that’s our Twitter handle) coming to a Boston neighborhood near you.

  15. Anna! I hit up OTTO constantly here in Portland. And I must say I’m thrilled to see you sampled my favorite pie, butternut squash/ricotta/cranberry. Don’t you LOVE it?! Thanksgiving on a pizza. I’m so spoiled to have OTTO right at the bottom of my street (5 min walk) as well as on the other side of town, so no matter where my snacking urge hits I’m covered! Next time you come for a visit, lets go. :) xo.

  16. I don’t know if you made that line up but I fully attribute it to you ever since I you instagrammed it with that outfit. Sometimes out of the blue I think of you saying that with your sweet demeanor and I smile.

    I’m impressed by how consistently Otto is styled. The little shop in Harvard Sq has exactly the same vibe as that Brookline location.

  17. You should try it in Portland, Maine

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