new york city in a day.

I’m BACK! Back from my week away from blogging, back from a week of bliss doing a little of this and a little of that. I’m back from “The poor man’s vacation”, as I’ve been lovingly calling it this week— only because a lot of my teacher friends went on cruises and trips to warm places (WHAT? I KNOW). Because of lack of funds and Zan having to work all week, I had to make due with where I could get myself sans plane ticket. I joke about it, but in all honesty I did exactly what I wanted to do this past week— spend quality time with good friends. Also, I got to see my family, which was amazing, if even it was just for a short while.


Well, should we begin? First stop on the journey… the wonderful CITY OF NEW YORK.

Can’t stop won’t stop, my friends. I just cannot get enough of this place.

Blogging about New York City is my favorite because going to New York City is my favorite. There is so much to see and do it just never gets old to me. And even when I do the same things more than once (which I do, because I’m a creature of habit) I still find new things to discover.

Usually when I make my way to New York I am coming from my grandmother’s in Greenwich. Sometimes I go straight from Boston for the weekend, but a lot of the time I’ve just taken the train in for the day, which is really easy, and fun, too. When I take the train from Greenwich it pulls right into Grand Central Station, and it is, without a doubt, the most magical. From there we usually walk down 5th Avenue to get to wherever we’re going. Most always, we pass the New York Public Library, which is another one of my favorite spots in the city.

Of course you remember the tragic scene in the Sex in the City movie where Carrie gets abandoned right before her wedding? In that absolutely BEYOND GORGEOUS white dress with the turquoise feather in her hair? And it all takes place at the New York Public Library? Well, yeah, I ALWAYS ALWAYS think of that when I pass by there. Historic, I tell ya.

Our friend Laura, who lives in New York, met up with us for the morning. Meg and Laura went to college + abroad  to London together. I still remember making the trek to visit them there so many years ago.

Laura recently got a fancy camera so we spent some time talking manual mode near the library, then before long we were on our way to photograph some more of the city. Before anything too serious, though, a coffee pit-stop at the famous Magnolia Bakery.

This place is a dream…

It’s never too early for a cupcake in my book, but coffee was all we really wanted at this point in the day. I did make sure to snap a good amount of photos, just because I love the feel of the place so much. And if you ever find yourself there in this life time, get the banana pudding. Outta this world.

After Magnolia we headed towards 30 Rock, for the big tourist attraction I had planned for the day…

I have been wanting to ride the elevator to the Top of the Rock for awhile now, and this trip I was determined to make it happen. Laura suggested the Brooklyn Bridge when we first met up, but No, thank you! I said. I want a view of the Empire State Building that only the Top of the Rock can give me. And so we went up. And it was terrific.

Stunning, right? It was a really great experience that I HIGHLY recommend if you’re ever looking for anything cool to do in NYC. A very pleasant experience, too. LOVED.

For lunch we met up with our friend Andrea, who just recently moved from Boston to New York. We ate at Fig and Olive, which I thought was really delicious. We got crostinis, paninis, and dessert (pictured above!). On these really cold winter days it’s important to take a few breaks from the cold and wind to warm yourself up a bit. This place did the trick, and having good food at the same time is not a bad way to go.

After lunch, we started off to our next destination…

Soho is another place I really wanted to go on this trip. It’s one of my favorite places to visit in New York. Lots of cool things to see and all my favorite shops in one place. I took the most photos in Soho because it’s just so photographable. Is that a word? Well I hope so, because it’s true. So much goodness in the matter of a few blocks I JUST LOVE IT.

After I visited Purl Soho, I took another SERIOUS VOW to learn how to knit this year. This place is absolutely the most wonderful dream. The yarn! The fabrics! I could have stayed inside this colorful world for hours.

We also were sure to pop into our most favorite store, Madewell. Another dream world among the walls of all the glorious dresses and tees. I WANT EVERYTHING AND I WANT IT ALL THE TIME. If only my closet could hold all the clothes (and my wallet could afford them).

Balthazar always reminds me of another day and another trip I took to Soho/Nolita. Delicious cookies!

And we went here to Bread that last time, too! I love that place.

This particular day took us to a little hole in the wall cafe called Lovely Day. Meg had a pick-me-up snack and I warmed up with a hot apple cider. Exactly what I needed to get some energy back. It’s EXHAUSTING walking around all day. We stayed here in this warm little place for a good hour or more. We twiddled with our phones and just took a break from the outside world.

After warming up we still had an hour or so before dinner, so we made use of the time at a book store I found through google. (Thanks, google!) There were places to sit and plenty of books to pass the time, so that is exactly what we did.

After reading and relaxing for a little bit longer, we headed out to meet up with Colleen, Tina, and Molly for dinner. We went to Jane Restaurant and had such a fun time. Good food (clean plate club!), good wine (2 bottles), and wonderful company. I always love spending time with these ladies… THE BEST!

Like I said, blogging about New York is my favorite. And spending time there? Even better.

What a great way to kick off my vacation. I love this city and I LOVED THIS DAY.


  1. I love me some Boston, but I agree: NYC is amazing! I never tire of it, either. My brother lives there, which is great because we make ourselves visit often! Your post made me remember the time we went up to Top of the Rock… on a rainy/overcast day – haha! We might have to attempt that one again.

  2. Those shots of the ESB made me feel like I was in Sleepless in Seattle, which is basically one of my favorite movies ever, and so you started my morning on the dreamiest note THANK YOU!

    Also, LOVE that little knitted piggie! How cute is that?!

    • That knitted Piggie is ADORABLE. Loved.

      Also, Sleepless in Seattle? And that scene on top of the ESB? Be still my heart. Have you ever been up there? I have not!

  3. dude yes. satc every time i’m at the library. and purl! do you read their site ever? amazing tutorials. and balthazar! i got delish mac and cheese their once and really hoped to run into a famous person but sadly did not.

    anyway that is my saga. keep going to nyc so i can see it through you because i am not getting there nearly enough.

    • I read the Purl Bee a few times but I will probably have to revisit it. :)

      And SATC. Gets me EVERYTIME.

      And Balthazar. Glad you know it’s goodness, too!

      Also, you know I was looking for Natthefatrat, but alas, this time was not meant to be.

      Ahhhh NYC. What a lover.

  4. Every single time you do a post on NYC, I start looking for flights. (Your photos are great by the way!) I am so jealous that you went to Purl! I’ve read their tutorials and salivated over their shop – wishing I could go. Looks like you had such a great time on your “poor man’s vacation” hehe!

  5. Looks like an amazing day!! Love all of the pictures! :)

  6. Your photos have me longing to go to NYC! My sister lives there and I haven’t been since Thanksgiving. Even though it’s dreadfully crowded all the time, I absolutely adore that part of Soho – right around Broadway. I lurve it. And I don’t think I’ll ever be “over” Magnolia!

    • It is crowded always, but isn’t that part of the charm? I love how almost all my pictures have moving bodies. Everybody’s just moving so fast all the time!

  7. Oh I’ve only been to the top of the rock once at night and it was so beautiful, but I would love to go during the day. don’t think I’ve ever been to SOHO – tragic right?

    • I would love to go at night. There was an option to go once in the day and then come back for the sunset, WHICH I WOULD DIE TO DO, but I always seem to be so far away come the end of the day. SOMEDAY!

      And you would LOVE SoHo. That place is right up your alley, girl.

  8. You brought me back delicious treats, right?

  9. Oh my goodness, this looks like the perfect weekend. It’s been ages since I’ve been to New York and your gorgeous photos have me DYING to make a trip!

  10. i just love this post! i love your taste of clothes! i love nyc i love soho i love this day! even if it wasn’t mine…

    happy monday

  11. yippee nyc!! what a cute little city posse :) and such a fun escape!!

  12. I love that one in blue, of you up against the sky. A keeper for other times, for sure.

    It’s always so interesting what everyone must visit when they visit NYC. It’s truly a diy city, we all have our own mental map of must-visits. Joe and I spent our accumulated clothing budget at Uniqlo this time. And! Put breakfast at Gramercy Park Hotel on your list for next time. Whether or not I get around to blogging about why it was great.

    • Thanks, Rachael. I love that one, too.

      Love that. A DIY city. You are totally right. Uniqlo? I remember begging my friend from Brooklyn to take me there a few years ago. The one in Soho, too. SO GOOD, SO GOOD. I got jeggings. (SO GOOD.)

      And yes to Breakfast at Gramercy Park Hotel! ON MY LIST after that insta! For sure!

  13. great photos! I know exactly what you mean about teacher trips. I returned to work after break today to hear all about Mexico and Jamaica while I spent my break home in cold, cold Michigan.

    I went to New York years ago and would love to return (for now I’ll live through your post!)

    • I hope you do some day. And this might sound weird, but I hope to make it to Michigan someday. Traverse City! On the life-long bucket list!

  14. What a fun-filled fabulous day! I’m so jealous!

  15. This post makes me want to channel one of my alter-ego’s, the precotious, curly-haired redhead…Annie! (Was dressed as her for 4 Halloweens in a row as a kid….would you be worried if you were my Mom??)

    In her words as only Annie could belt it out…….


    The shadows at sundown
    The roofs, that scrape, the sky


    The rich and the rundown
    The parade goes by

    That other town has the Empire State
    And a mayor, five foot two
    No other town in the whole forty eight
    Can half compare to you!!!!!”


  16. love all of these photos, and as usual, love getting to see the city through your eyes. you capture her perfectly. come back soon – dinner with you is always the best!

  17. Beautiful pics! So glad you had such a great trip. I love that you documented the “rest/phone” break…every time I take a trip with friends (or my husband) we have to have one of those at around 4-5. We’re like, “Want to chill in this awesome cafe and blog and ignore each other for an hour? Me too!” hahah

    • It’s true! Sometimes you just need “quiet time”! As a teacher I totally appreciate it, and as a human, I just think we NEED it.

      Spending 24/7 with someone is just not natural. Those kinds of breaks are my fave.

  18. I love NYC and really wish I could/would visit more often. I went last April for a weekend and hope to do it again this spring. I really want to go to top of the rock but my friend didn’t want to when we were there. Next time for sure!

    Sorry I didn’t get to meet you at the Boston Bloggers event last night. I’m following your blog now and look forward to reading more. Hopefully we can meet in the future.

    • Be adamant! It’s amazing!! (but make sure it’s a nice day. :) Also, I love New York City in the spring. Just glorious.

      I’m sorry we didn’t get to meet either! Hopefully next time!

  19. Beautiful pics! I love the colorful yarn shot at Purl Soho. Good luck with knitting…I love knitting but seem to be the slowest knitter in the world :)

    • I want to knit all the things! I really need to get going with it already. Soon spring will be here and I’ll want nothing to do with yarn. ;)

  20. I’m always jealous of people who are so good at documenting their own trips. I may be a photographer… but I do a shoddy job with capturing my own life sometimes. You, conversely, did awesome.

    And, boy howdy, you sure seem to know where to find good-looking desserts!

  21. I looooove your NYC posts!! I’m going this weekend and seeing your pictures/hearing about your adventures makes me so extra excited!! The yarn and the fonts and the cupcakes and the views from Top of the Rock. LOVE IT ALL! Can we pleeeease plan to go sometime together? Or even meet up for an afternoon? You have such a sense for finding (and capturing) the magic of the city!!

  22. You did all of this in ONE DAY?! Your Madewell photos are cracking me up #want

  23. Busy lady! Looks like you had a wonderful time in the city!


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