a happy list.


I’m going to take a second here to admit that work has been hard for me lately. I love my new school and I love my class, but being new has been overwhelming and also a little bit stressful. I remember this from when I started at my old school 3 years ago. It’s the the getting used to it all— the paperwork, the meetings, the proving yourself. It’s stressful and it’s tiring and it’s just the way it is. I remember it from then and I’m reminded of it now. Change is hard, but change is also good. I was texting with my friend Elizabeth a few weeks ago and the best way for me to describe it to her was that school is “hard, and kicking me in the butt— but it will make me better.” And that’s just the honest to goodness truth. New is sometimes hard, but having to work hard is never a bad thing, and so I will soldier on {and laugh at those littles every day in the process— they are still the funniest, no question about it}.

Anyways! Tonight I made a happy list:

1. Today we went to The Topsfield Fair {where I took the photo above}. Lots of people, lots of food, lots of good old fashioned fall fun. It was my very first time, and a good one at that. Places like this always remind me of the best of the best (in my humble opinion)— The Great New York State Fair. I’m smiling a big one just thinking about all my memories from past summers at home. Saltwater Taffy! Chocolate milk! THE BUTTER SCULPTURE. If a state fair isn’t where childhood dreams are made, then I don’t know where is.

2. My print is selling like CRAZY. Woohoo! There’s been a little bit of behind the scenes drama about improper sourcing, but there’s also been so many people reaching out {friends, strangers} to find where the print originated {which is HERE! ON THIS BLOG!} and so that’s been terrific. I think I need to start making more prints of the same kind. You know, more quotes overlaying some of my photographs– like I post on instagram sometimes… what do you think?

3. I went to NYC last weekend. BEST. ALWAYS. I stayed with my friend Rebecca in Brooklyn {LOVE} and had lunch with Colleen and Laura {DOUBLE LOVE}. I was there for only 24 hours, but filled my hours {and heart} {and instagram feed} to the brim. Sharing some fancy cam photos soon! New York City is my favorite.

4. Tomorrow I’m having brunch with friends. I know this isn’t something too exciting to share, except for that it is. First off, I don’t go to brunch that often, and second of all, I love these friends. So, win win. Oh happy day.

5. A new blog design is in the works. Oh my goodness I’m so excited about it. I’ve gotten one part finished {with this girl’s help. EEEEEeeee!} and one part I’m still figuring out, but we’re making progress over here. Totally vague and you hate me for it, except that you’re going to LOVE IT! Because I love it. Or I’m going to love it. When it’s ready!


That’s the happy for me lately, what’s the happy for you?


{font by Kyle Steed + made with Over.}


  1. Firstly, I love that image. Love love love.

    Secondly, I’m sorry that work is tough right now, but hooray for hilarious littles and happy lists!

  2. I love your happy list! Starting new can always be hard, but you have such a good spirit, keep smiling! New blog design? Wooohoo, so excited to see it!

  3. Happy lists are the best. I’m a list-maker to a fault and these are the best kinds! I’m happy to have found your blog!

  4. When I see your instagram images and encounter your quote choices I honestly feel that your days as a teacher might be numbered. You have this talent that is…other. It’s new technology talent. You can infuse a cold screen with life. So um…YES to more combos in the shop.


  5. Your print is darling!!

  6. All of this made me happy! I love that October print (contemplating a purchase soon!! and grrr I can’t believe those horrible people would try to steal it from you) and YES to more prints like this. You are so great at combining words with photos and I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

  7. I’ve seen that October print all over the internet, but didn’t realize until recently (maybe a couple weeks ago?) that it was yours! the internet is full of horrible sourcing, unfortunately.

  8. Ah!! I loved, loved this! Such a great reminder to always be grateful and always look for beauty and joy in every day! I hope you don’t mind that I put together my own little list :) It made me smile so big! Have a lovely week my dear! xo

  9. Yay for the success of the print and yes to many many more!! I know you’ll find a perfect stride at work soon enough!! xoxo

  10. Sorry work is kicking your butt right now. You’ll be better on the other side…I just hope the other side comes soon for you!

    I love the idea of a happy list, especially when life is a little rough. Best to focus on the good things!

  11. I have been so in love with that October print since I saw it. It’s been making the rounds on Pinterest lately, I’ve noticed, and I’m totally tempted to buy it! And, yes, state fairs are simply the best. We have ours coming up next week and I’ll be on vacation and I am so freaking excited! Corn dogs, cotton candy, funnel cakes, fried candy bars, the swing ride! The state fair makes me positively jubilant. It is my favorite thing about October, besides the fact that fall is my favorite season. It also turns me into a bit of a child. :)

  12. Definitely more instagram pics + quotes sales. Girl, you would do so much. They are beautiful and Rachael is right, you totally have a gift.


  13. I’m glad that you put your source info on your Anne of Green Gables print. I’ve seen it three times on various sites with no links back to you. Which is a shame, and made me mad because I knew it was yours. Good luck with your shop and new work, sounds like you have a market!!

  14. Well, I loved this.

  15. it is always the BEST to see you. the best. i know work is hard for your right now but you have the best attitude and work ethic. if i ever have children i sincerely hope they have a teacher like you. and yay about your print! so awesome to hear that.

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