saturday links.

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This weekend I’m home alone. It’s kind of exciting having the weekend to yourself, in an I CAN DO ANYTHING! sort of way. I spent last night sitting on the couch eating cooked kale with lemon and dried cherries. They were the only unsweetened dried fruit I could find, and as it turns out, they were delicious. I watched the first episode of Call the Midwife, then face-planted into my bed at 11:00. What a dream. This morning I woke up before 8, had my eggs and butternut squash before 9, and feel pretty darn good about today.

March is here, and spring has got to arrive at some point. I’m hopeful.

My sister sent me this piece by David Sedaris. I smiled the whole way through, first because I love David Sedaris and could imagine him telling the story in that way that he does {I love listening to his books on CD}, but also because I feel EXACTLY the same way about overhead lighting. Too good.

In an effort to reach my 10,000 steps each day I’ve taken to the gym. I went FIVE TIMES already this week because I absolutely have to get my steps in. It’s not a question, I just feel that I have to. What a win. And so, I asked my friend Rachael to suggest some of her favorite podcasts, because I trust her with that sort of thing. Each one she recommended I tried, and I loved.

After the Jump

The Sounds in My Head

The Writer’s Almanac

I also love This American Life, which my mom introduced me to a few years ago. What are your favorites? I’d love to give them a try.

I loved this essay on The Eighty Twenty, and I’m so excited about their new book club, too. I think I’ll pick up One More Thing this weekend at the local book shop.

This blog is one of my very favorites for fashion finds. {Madeline is also a long time favorite twitter friend.} I haven’t bought one piece of clothing in 2014 {CRAAZY! I know!}, but when my hiatus ends, Uberchic is where I like to get my shopping ideas from.

Do you meal plan? I never did before I started Whole30 {I never spent so much time in the kitchen either!} but this instant download from Brim Papery is awesome.

Jolie also had some free desktop wallpaper featured on Designlovefest a while back. I downloaded them all and added them to a folder on my computer with a bunch of other favorite desktop backgrounds, then I use them all to rotate through a screensaver. You should try it! More great desktop freebies, curated by Kate, here.

And, I think that’s it for now. I’m off to get some goodies at Follain, and maybe even throw in a trip to IKEA because I’m feeling wild.

Have a lovely Saturday. The sun is out so let’s rejoice.


  1. I love Call the Midwife :)

  2. I love this roundup of links!
    I’ve come across some posts about podcasts recently that might give you some more to check out: Ann-Marie blogged about it here:
    and Joy the Baker here:

  3. I love this picture of you! So cute!

  4. Ah, weekends alone are just a dream. While I don’t want them all the time, but it’s just so great to have days to just do me! OBSESSED with This American Life. I’m just loving your commitment to Whole 30 and being active!

    • Exactly, I savor them when I get them– but love how they special they are when they come!

      Also, you are one of the first people I knew that did the whole 30… and our conversation last year still holds strong! You are one of the reasons why I’m doing this! xo

  5. Could your picture be any cuter? Gosh I love you! Thanks for ALL the love Anna Burns. And way to go on the steppin’. Step on.

  6. Radiolab! It’s similar to This American Life, but they focus more on science-y subjects told like stories. It’s awesome and I feel like I’m learning something each time. Enjoy! My boyfriend and I have been using pedometers to count our daily steps, and some nights when we need more steps, we just walk around the house with music on or having a conversation about our days.

    • Thank yoU! I will try that one!

      And I love that about the walking around the house. I did that my first day, and I might have to do it again tonight to get all my steps in. ;)

  7. Aww shucks Anna. I missed this post over the weekend. You are far to kind. Thanks for linking to me!


  8. Thanks for linking to my Pinterest board, Anna! You’re the best :) And I’m also DYING to read your Whole30 post, I can’t wait to sit down and dive in!

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