top knot 12

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 “Top Knot 12”
gifted to me, by my dear friend Bailey ♥

by Elizabeth Mayville
on Etsy

I’ve been thinking about spring lately, in the simplest most nostalgic of ways. I’ve been thinking about flowers and summer fruit, and the way the sun feels on your skin when the wind is gentle and calm. I want to throw the windows wide and hear the birds singing, wear skirts and thin sweaters, no socks with my shoes. I’ve been thinking about the picnic table and walks in the city, while the sun shines strong, pink skies, pretty hues. I want to take a nap with my book in the hammock, feet strung over the edge and the night far away.

I want spring so badly,

To enjoy it and smile,

Hands in my pocket,

All the way to sweet June.

Strawberries, short sleeves, top knots, and beach days.

Oh, take me on a bike ride to June.


  1. Yesssssss. Me too. In the Spring/Summer, we eat and talk in the backyard til late into the night. With lights strung up when the sun goes down. I cannot wait.

  2. Anna, your soul belongs in Summer! It suits you. :)

  3. Beautifully put friend. Love it

  4. i’ve also been thinking of warmer weather. which means i’ve been thinking ’bout hot dogs.

  5. I hear you! Every time I think spring is right around the corner, we get snow warnings.

  6. I feel the same way. Every time I feel the sun on my face I think “I can’t wait until it’s so hot I’m sweating” and I’ve told myself to hold onto these moments when I’m freezing in my apartment and to remember them when i’m sweating and the AC is full blast.. “remember when we were so cold???” #gimmespring

  7. You said it perfectly. I have an itch for spring like no other year before!

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