boston ballet // shades of sound

Boston Ballet Boston Ballet

Earlier this week my good friend Katie offered up some Boston Ballet tickets and I jumped at the chance. I LOVE ballet and LOVE the Boston Ballet, so instantly my response was “ME!! Yes! A dream!” Also, Zan was going to be away and I had no plans but to type and print out invitation envelopes all weekend, so this would be a perfect Saturday night getaway for me. I asked Zan’s sister Nell if she wanted to see the show with me and we made plans to head into the city Saturday night for an evening of dancing and music.

Shades of Sound was so lovely. There were three completely different pieces of ballet set to three different pieces of music and I very much loved it all. The photos above are from George Balanchine’s “Episodes”, and of all three pieces this one was my favorite. I love the simple leotards and classic dance moves. Completely gorgeous and so much of it reminded me of my studio days which at this point feels like a lifetime ago. Point shoes and seamed tights and some of the best memories I will ever have.

I read a few weeks back how Rachel went back to taking classes this past year— it’s always something I think about but never end up doing. Maybe someday, though. Seeing the Ballet last night inspired me instantly. I always get goosebumps and the urge to get those arms in fifth position, to stretch my arches and leap + twirl all the way home.

Thank you for the tickets, Katie! You absolutely made my weekend! xo

// Photos c/o the Boston Ballet

Also if you’re interested,
some behind the scenes videos
here, here, here and HERE. :)

{the last one is so good!}

shop: FOLLAIN // boston.

FOLLAIN, Boston --FOLLAIN, Boston ---2 FOLLAIN, Boston ---5 FOLLAIN, Boston ---6FOLLAIN, BostonFOLLAIN, Boston FOLLAIN, Boston ---21

Last night I had the best night out at Follain in Boston’s South End. Tara {owner!}, my friend Natalie, and the rest of the team hosted the perfect event for local bloggers– with prosecco, snacks, and the best kind of beauty products— the wholesome kind!

I had so much fun hearing the story behind the business, talking about how beauty translates to health, and also trying out some of the new products that have recently come to the shop. Just this month they’ve got 40 new items, which is amazing and fantastic, as they’re aiming to have a safe, healthy replacement for every beauty product you own. After hearing Tara’s passion for natural and sustainable beauty products you could easily say I’m sold on the Follain movement. I came home with a bag full of goodies— deodorant, dry shampoo, oil cleanser, new face powder and blush– ready to conquer the world!

Thank you, Tara, for inviting us in!

53 Dartmouth Street
Boston, MA 02116

{In Nantucket and Wellesley, too!}

Not a local? You can shop online HERE. ♥


P.S. I have posted about this gem
before, but Follain is too good and
these pictures were worth a share. :)

on my weekend in pictures.

weekend in pictures weekend in pictures weekend in picturesweekend in pictures weekend in pictures weekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in picturesweekend in pictures

It was one of those good weekends that was full in every way.  My parents came into town, which was the best best best— we spent Saturday strolling around Harvard Square, Saturday night at the Red Sox game (a win!), and Sunday walking our toes through the sand at Good Harbor Beach. September is still very much summer in my eyes and these few days proved it. Oh, I wanted it to last forever. I always do.

The weekend favorites:


Harvard Square: Daedalus + Shake Shack

Fenway: The Lower Depths {dollar hot dogs!}

Goucester, Ma: Sugar Mags {BEST}



Anthropologie {always!}

Harvard Book Store


America’s BEST Ballpark ;)

Good Harbor Beach

It was H O T on Saturday. We hopped from air conditioned store to air conditioned store looking at this that and everything. Mostly, we walked the stairs up and down at Anthro just eyeing all the goodies. That place! I can never get enough of it! In the late afternoon a storm rolled through, with dark skies and lightning, but luckily not much rain. We were still able to go to the Red Sox game and I loved it. I just kept thinking the whole time I was sitting there, THIS IS MY CITY! And I was proud. Then of course, Good Harbor Beach is always our choice for a beach day. It’s just the prettiest there. We spent the morning in the sun and the sand, and then came back in the afternoon and worked more on setting up our new place. Zan and I took a trip to Home Depot and Costco, before coming back to cook up a chili dinner for both our families.

Good and full in every single way.


this post was inspired by
my great friend Colleen.
Get your groove back
soon girl, ya hear? xo

fireworks on the third of july.

Boston Fireworks!

For a few days this week, by the chance of luck and a good friend, we are staying in what I’m calling “our very own pied-a-terre” in Beacon Hill. I’m trying not to overreact too much about it, but if I was going to be honest I’d basically tell you I’m living in a magical dream right now. We are steps away from Charles Street, the Public Garden, and really truly anything we want to do. Boston is so walkable and I love that about this place. I hope if you live here you enjoy it. I hope when you walk around you look up at the pretty that is everywhere. When I lived in the heart of the city for a few years after college I don’t know if I appreciated it as much as I should have. But now… dang! This place is special!

Last night we watched the fireworks from the roof of Rachael’s apartment. It’s the same place we had our picnic from this post and it is perfection on a summer night. Add another extravagant food display and a dose of fireworks and you’ve got yourself a real party.

the third of julythe third of julythe third of july

A staycation in the city and we are just loving every minute of it.

H A P P Y   F O U R T H   O F   J U L Y!


P.S. The fireworks were on the third this year because of heavy thunderstorms forecast for the fourth. The celebration was supposed to start at 10:30, but at 10:07 the sky lit up with the prettiest sparkles there ever were. 20 minutes later, the fireworks were finished, after a grand but seemingly short finale. The sky was so bright pink even though it was close to half past 10 in the evening. The most exciting part of the night was hearing a wave of screams suddenly from the Esplanade. We could hear it all the way from Beacon Hill! I looked over to see what the noise was about and you could SEE the crazy rain pouring down from afar— you could see the rain crystal clear in the distance and although we were dry at the time you could also see that it was quickly heading right towards us! Zan’s yelling “LIGHTNING! LIGHTNING!” and I’m all “Ahhhhh!” so we scooped up our picnic just as fast as our hands would work and headed inside just as the thunder, lightening, and POURING RAIN came down. We closed all the windows and laughed and laughed. I feel bad for all the crowds that were down by the water, but am VERY thankful for our quick cover and a good memory for the books!